How to stop caring about what other people think of me?

How to stop caring about what other people think of me?

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Develop your skills so you can be confident in them.

what are your virtues?

you cant becaus eyou live in a society. You can adapt more though

murder your ego

understand that other people most likely aren't thinking about you at all

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first of all they don't think about you. second of all, who cares what they think. people will think all sorts of things for no good reason. I believe you'll find the judgments that they would make are actually just you judging yourself, so that's a good freakin habit to break out of man. treat yourself like a friend. have compassion on yourself, have mercy. hope you do well, amigo!

--much love, user

Try putting on clown makeup and masturbating in public. This will destroy any chance of anyone thinking good of you and once you're permanently labelled a freak it should be no problem doing whatever you want all the time without considering what anybody thinks