Russia still this poor? Why?
Russia still this poor? Why?
Juan Sullivan
Elijah Brooks
>posts a picture of a war-torn town
Russia is poor, yes, but that picture makes no sense.
Angel Wood
me on the right
Joseph Harris
there is no one on the right
Zachary Jackson
rosja has tigers
Jeremiah Gutierrez
he is .jpg
Samuel Howard
Economy built on being a gas station as the money is siphoned into a few KGB oligarch hands.
Isaac Scott
Kleptocratic elites like to stash money in dutch banks
Jordan Scott
this pretty much, crippling corruption
Spain have a lot of corruption too, that's why we are where we are at the bottom of the Europe and with all the gibs, but Russia is on some other level.
Lucas Perry
why Russia is poor ? Because russians are nation of low IQ . Russia is nothing more than china's bitch .