A toast
To Corona edition
Other urls found in this thread:
What's it like to make a girl orgasm
when is UK lockdown review date
wouldnt mind gays if they weren't so in your face
You ever chewed FIVE gum?
belly pride
What do tits feel like
>Oh my god yas fucking yas baby oh fuck good baby fuck good oh my yes hnnnngh oh shit baby oh fuck
yanks actually give their kids names like "hunter" and "tanner"
Only bad thing is the occasional bent dick when she's riding
Overrated you have to stop fucking for a minute sop they can lay there shaking their legs like a retard
this bitch look scary as heck
blame the americans for this lgbt nonsense
end of june
Amazing there’s nothing hotter imo the way their fanny pulsates around your cock is so good and the power trip of knowing you’re doing that to someone
with brexit and pandemic im glad to say that like so many of those who came before us we are still living in an era of happenings
gf complains about getting tired after 5 mins of cowgirl then its back to missionary for 20 mins
wow do you have sex!? thats really interesting!
most gays arent like that though, you wont notice most gays because they're just normal lads.
At of those mincing attention seeking type ones are usually disliked by most normal gays
also names like 'bender' and 'tosser'
My name is Campbell
hate hate hate the bent dick thing
gives me the fear of it snapping so much i can't enjoy it
unfortunate as it renders the best view
also agreed on the orgasm
happens most when her legs are up on my shoulders and she literally heems my shoulders it fucking kills
>normal gays
where in yorkshire is she from
haven't used a mask at all in this entire period
I wear a keffiyeh to the store for the booze like some 00s anarchist cause it's what I had handy and then fuck it
idk that sounds kinda hot / cute
Pinks are my brothers
I’ve never seen a good argument against the existence of landlords. Landlords front the capital and take the risk of owning the property, that’s a service. Otherwise you’d have to buy a house if you needed to live in an area for six months.
Hunter is a based fucking name what are you about. Its like Clint, very american but quite cool
Nice to meet you fellow shagger
stop copying my meta revival gimmick
might buy some testosterone off the internet so i can wank more
how did he do it
hes such a tease
descendants of the gaul, my people
how did you even find her? years of videos with views in the hundreds, depressing.