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International #1226
Good Morning, Vietnam
We could have german speaking cannibals today
Sverigetråden - bsrupplagan
Do men really?
Post your bicycle
Do you support Greater Poland?
Finns have Asian traits, Swedes are oranges. How about the Norwegians?
Are Japanese proud of their trains
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /إسر/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת ישר אמיתי
Is there a reason why Finns look different from other Europeans...
/fr/ - le francofil
/v4/ + monkeys + incels
I just applied for israeli citizenship
Why are women from all over the world whores in YouTube ?
Average Germ user on Zig Forums probably has grandparents who killed Jews
/deutsch/ Wasserbus-Ausgabe
Second generation immigrants born in Italy answering the question "Do you feel you're italian?" (in blue)...
What would happen if Europe chose China over America?
I am half Japanese
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
A ethnostate with, tight border control, aprteied laws,massive military and they have a belive they are superior/chosen
I suffer in wogland
*blocks your path*
Does this happen in your country?
Banter a spaniard
Your cunt
/med/ - olive oil general
The History of Vietnam
What is the better second language to be fluent in?
Tfw no bf
What's something you wish your country wasn't known for?
Sverigetråden - Runkupplagan
Italy is unironically gonna be poorer than most of Eastern Europe in a few years
I can't wait till this happens!
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2376
Why is Russian healthcare so good bros? Asian genes?
I love white girls
/desi/-Tamil Kangz edition
Do you have sextaps in your cunt...
America...what's going on, big guy?
Meanwhile, in Sweden:
ITT share wise proverbs from your language
Why does Britain have such revolting cuisine?
Damn. Truth
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Why are Olmecs so chad? What’s their secrets? How do I become one?
Here are some quick facts for my fellow Zig Forumsbros
Zig Forums is a place where upper middle class of the 3rd world countries talk with lower middle class of the 1st world...
This child grew up to be president of a very powerful country in eastern Europe. Can you guess his name?
American what are you doing?
Why the fuck do leftists love Iran so much
Anyone else gonna continue wearing these after all of this is over? I just might, makes me look cool and mysterious...
Been learning English for more than 10 years
As a Canadian I have to say that Chinese are some of the best immigrants we have. All of them are hard working...
ITT: We thanks China for helping the world fight Corona virus
Russian males
/ita/ - il filo
In america if you commit a bad enough crime they just kill you
What websites do they browse...
Good morning, bonne matin, buenos días, guten tag and the rest, to all the cute europeans waking up right now...
Browsing through my sister's phone
Does Brazil offer a significantly higher quality of life than their neighbors? I imagine Brazil being surrounded by 10
Why does Israel receive so much undeserved hate? I thought people liked liberal democracies?
The Mongols coming!!
Why are Germans so shamed of their pre-war heritage...
/lat/ hilo latino
Japanese culture is superior
Vietnam is the most advanced country in Southeast Asia
Do you love Japanese salaryman?
I hate this country
Faces of int
Does this happen at schools in your country? American here. Fuck yeah it happens...
Stop farming crops
/fr/ - le québecois
Could I pass as a local in your cunt, Zig Forums?
Does Japan love gaijin?
Is Zig Forums really international? Which countries have you visited? Pic related is mine...
Hilo /lat/ANO
When coronavirus makes the US declare war on China, will your cunt be a bro or a hoe?
OK Japan wtf?
Why do countries like Holland and Germany endless seethe about England when the English are essentially the same people...
Why do europoors like soccer so much
What comes to your mind when you see this flag?
Why are nords so pathetic?
Quick rundown
Those brazilian jomons were canceled because they called a black guy "nig*er
/fr/ - Le francofil
Your cunt
Meanwhile, in Sweden:
Culturally speaking, what are some of the norms Latin America has in terms of careers, marriage, children, etc
Hilo /lat/ANO
Anglo-Norman men look like THAT?
Tell me about Argentina, are they actually white?
I miss her bros
/ita/ - il filo
What's your pick?
I'm a British femboy
Coronochan killed fewer than 1000 Americans today
Learned French through middle and high school because I wanted to know a language that's not Spanish
Who would you say are the most easily bantered flags on here? I'd say besides us it has to be the Brits...
The ideal woman is pale and East Asian
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/mashiro/, auch /nachtschicht/, morgen wieder /deutsch/
Do nords really?
Sverigetråden Aliceupplagan
Why did Buddhism die out in India?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Post politicians from your country, pic related is SANTIAGO ABASCAL CONDE
M-muh racemixing is bad!!
Kossom/mena/ kollena
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
What’s food from Argentina like?
Every post they make screams butthurt, why is that? whats the reason behind this...
Early Modern Risk Thread
/ita/ il filo
In /deutsch/ we have an actual lunatic posting in our thread
Guess the country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This is a man
Strongest Mediterranean empire ever
Faces of Zig Forums
What do you think about Lithuanians?
Do doctors randomly fall out of windows in your country?
How bluepilled is your country?
/lat/ - hilo latino
How's the work culture in your cunt ?
Are we privileged? No, we've earned it
A-are European guys dominant?
Does this happen in your country?
/Krautchan/, inzwischen /deutsch/
Why don´t you learn spanish since majority of italians can´t speak english?
Do you want to live and love in the USA white man?
I can't sleep
How do you call this animal in your language?
France destroyed the most prosperous and stable african country
There are people from the developing world on Zig Forums RIGHT NOW
I unironically hate the US, Israel and neopentecostals
How often do Europeans interact with other Europeans in real life?
1. Your cunt
/fr/ - Le Francofil
You wake up in Utah
Post the most american thing you have in your folder
Why does Turkey get hate?
What are the most sexually liberated countries in the world?
What went so right?
Your opinion on this Balkan country?
/desi/-Bhimji edition
What has America ever done for us?
/ita/ il filo
My beautiful country
Why does people from this country deny their African heritage as if it were something negative?
Sverigetråden - bsrupplagan
Wake up
We should unify this mess
What websites do you use?
Americunts can chose between a pedophile with dementia and an 80iq tv clown who thinks drinking bleech is a good idea
What went wrong?
/lat/ hilo latino
I want to dick a pejeeta and cum inside of her brown womb so bad
I suffer in New Zeeland
/soyjack/ ehem. /deutsch/
Daily reminder: Good time to move to Spain
Your country
Your country
/med/ - olive oil general
Gay ass Zig Forums
Were the black people in your school good at studying??
60% of all europeans will be older than 60 in 2040
Your thoughts on Kaliningrad?
Post underground people from your country
Your cunt
Does your country have a war flag?
I went to college, so I know what I'm talking about
/ita/ il filo
What does the average girl actually look like in your cunt?
/fr/ - le pédofil
Post euro coins from your cunt
Has a girl ever flirted with you in your country but you were too dumb/scared to act on it?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Faces of Zig Forums
Why is everyone obsessed with them the past years when before the early 2010's they were totally irrelevant?
"Redpill" me on Orthodox Christianity
You are now aware that your feet are approximately as long as your forearm
This man is ethnic German
Straight people of Zig Forums (only), what feelings does this evoke in you...
What is the acceptable tippage in your country?
Why are Americans so stupid about race?
France is 10% muslim
Your country
It happened again
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2375
Do Americans really?
1. Country
Served her country more than trump his family and in-laws combined
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - Le francofil
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why do redditors and normeis rave about RoC is the legitimate china
Your cuntree
Enemies are not good, so let's be friends
Europeans should take back anatolia, turks are invaders
English has no informal you
Lest you forget
What is the cutest, most interesting and promising, and overall greatest country and why is it Estonia? :3
Do you love germany?
This is the most beautiful statue in the world
What will the final estimate be?
Are you a boring person Zig Forums?
Is it really that bad being black in non black countries?
*larps like ghetto trash and american niggers in your city*
Your country
Not /brit/
Sverigetråden - Metallkugghjul Solid-Upplagan
/lang/ - language learning general
What videogames were popular only in your country? Any comfy memories about it?
ITT we summon rare flags
ITT: Countries that shouldn't exist
Do you want to live in Northern Europe?
Why do you tards romanticise rural living so much? it's fucking shit that's why anyone with two brain cells leaves
When was the last time your country declared war on another country, (not just terrorists or interventions)...
God: alright so you know that website, Reddit? yea, I made it a country
K-pop girls look like ghosts
Why is england so dense
Canadian intellectuals
Kurva anyátok
Are there any Japanons interested in communicating with Pseudo-Chinese/伪中国语?
ITT: Countries that could just disappear over night without you caring
/lat/ hilo latino
/ro/ - Firul nostru
Why do europeans hate the Jewish people
/skandi/ + /danmarkstråden/
Wtf kazakh women look like this??
Heritage tests
Is this true?
Why is modern American entertainment so obsessed with politics, race, and gender...
How would you describe this country in 1 word?
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /إسر/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת איה
Tfw not born in Europe and speak 6 languages fluently
/desi/- Wholsome emditiom
/ibe/ (/esp/+/pt/+/and/+/gib/+/aut/)
Fixes the balkans
Do snitches get stitches in your country?
I was rejected by a part timer girl at a convenience store I often go to. girls are harsh
What's social justice warrior?
Do They Really Do This?
Dubs and he gets 4 more years
/balt/ + /ausnz/
One chance at life
/South America/
Faces of Zig Forums
What's your country's wet dreams
Reddit: The Country
Now our common enemy is Chinese communist party!!!
Does this happen in your country?
What do you think of this accent?
Do Japanese like black?
What are you guys view on Chechens?
What's your favorite restaurants to go to?
Hello, Based Department?
China threatened to withhold medical aid from the Netherlands for changing the name of its representative office in...
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
This shithole is heading towards one if not the worst crisis of it's entire history. LMAO
I suffer in Brazil
Why do northern Euros travel all the way to the Mediterranean for beach holidays when they have their own beaches on...
Pic related is an Albino Arab. Would he pass as white?
I can't do it
Would western civilization be in a better state if the men still able to marry young kids?
Sverigetråden - Deus Ex-upplagan
Post your body and your stats
You wake up in mexico
What do asians think of western religion?
Br*tish "people"
Will they ever be first world?
You're a cunt
I am a Mexican who doesn’t speak a word of Spanish
Hilo /lat/ino
/mex/ - Mexican thread
Do you prefer cat or dog?
/fr/ - le pédofil
Does your country turn women into bimbos?
Almost 3700 calories per day for the average American... what the fuck?
What are some of the most heated rivalries and closest relationships in this intruiging yet controversial region?
Why are they so similar? They look the same and their language is similar too like wong dong chong ling ping, etc
Well user? What do?
Someone fucking help
/ita/ - il filo
If they united they'd be unstoppable
Hilo /lat/ino
God's blind-spot
1.your cunt
Do you like to dri k on Sundays I your cunt?
/deutsch/ verbreitet Verschwörungstheorien in der nächtlichen Stille
Zig Forums prevalence revealer
Zig Forums fucked my self-image up
What do you think of your neighboring countries?
Did you go to your high school reunion?
My grand-grand-grand-grand father was once an italian so i'm italian too
Why were their colonies so successful?
Should I try LSD?
Do you want to fall in love with a cute Japanese girl?
Name 3 things you love about America
He hasnt gone to one of these niggas
Asian posters
Do Americans really do this? Really?
Racemixing is wro
Your country
A fucking machete
Is French Foreign Legion a good alternative to a regrettable career choice?
This aryan ubermensch walks up to you and calls you a subhuman, how do you respond?
Anons, tell your stories of how having a low body fat and muscular body helped you to win more women
Is there any anons that did not go to the army? How did you do this in your country? how did you avoid?
Guys what does sneed mean
They need to pay
Age of Consent
'you don't have a job'
Does your country have more commies or nazis?
If someone asks you what race you are, what do you answer Zig Forums?
Are people in your country also impressed by a Norwegian speaking tourist?
/fr/ - le francofil
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why is he so obsessed?
Sverigetråden - Zig Forumsernationell supermaktsupplagan
Imagine living in a landlocked country / state
Luso/ - Fio Lusófono
This was built about 1400 years ago in what is today Guatemala...
Why does Sweden post so fucking much?
What's your opinion on africa
Has your country had a civil war? Name a more kino one that the one in Spain
France's most famous scientist is a woman
Culture Pals /cp/
You wake up in the countryside of Minas Gerais, Brazil
I need a hobby but I'm too depressed to enjoy anything
Literally what's stopping you guys on ending this shit? are you afraid to die or don't you want to hurt your people?
My 90% immigrant school is currently having a race war between arabs and somalis/blacks (regular racist attacks both...
There are 63,4 million japanese girls alive RIGHT NOW
Anyone else feeling general hate for them?
4 shots of Kim Jong-un on Mayday
Post someone that looks very similar to you
Hilo /lat/ANO
Why do europeans hate germans so much now
Is USA actually hispanic?
/ita/ il filo
Is it true that Europeans only eat unsalted butter?
Do Germans really?
/mena/ - turtle in a shoebox edition
Wanna banana?
My german grandpa lost his father, my great grandpa, on the eastern front in 1944 and he was only 3 years old...
How does life in an american suburb like pic related feel like?
Brown people drama general
/fr/ - Le francofil
Thoughts on South America?
Mexico: brimming with soul
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why is it the best part of France?
No, you can't just commit a genocide and get away with it!
Post your city, others rate
Sverigetråden - Söndagsupplagan
Why are Slavs stereotyped as being drunk brutes?
Why did they have the only good colonies?
Ugh... what could have been
Why do you all hate us?
Who was in the wrong here?
Brits have their own general on Zig Forums
Latina/Mediterranean women are the hottest in the world, discuss
Would you rather own a house in the suburbs or a condo in a big city?
Kill your landlord, incel
Would you canadians call me rapefugee if i migrate to your country? I wanna move to canada badly...
Is it true that foreignners are too stupid to solve this quiz?
Canada should not exist
/ita/ - il filo
1.You're country
Nicest posters on Zig Forums
Explain yourself Germany
/fr/ - le francofil
What is wrong with humans? There is literally a garbage island just floating out in the ocean
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine