In which country can I impregnate women and abandon them without the need of paying child support?

In which country can I impregnate women and abandon them without the need of paying child support?

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literally any foreign country
just give a fake name and leave lmao

Some third world shithole i imagine ,Philippines,Guatemala,Flyover States.......

>being a piece of shit

any african country if you're a french BVLL

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This, but also they have to be hot


*spreads semen all over this thread*

oh no no black bros we got too cocky !

There's no way he didn't get aids

Just go to a third world country and donate sperm to every sperm bank.

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I know because I fucked your mother roughly 20 years ago and never paid a penny. Well, aside from the $5 beforehand that is.

Nibbas be like "white genocide isn't real
Meanwhile doctors be givin white women 500 retarded nigger babies

Any third world country honestly, especially if you use a fake name. AIDS or some other illness is a possibility though

>"But while the children were growing up, they were getting darker".

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in any country when she doesnt know/tell who the father is
>sluts want a kid around here
>if they report who the father is he get equal rights and can claim yes i take my part in the upbringing so she only see her kid every second week and gets no money from him
>claim unknown father she gets sole responsybility and a little extra in gibs
just give her a false name and number if you are worried

Why does it have to be a third world shithole? If i just put my peepee in a girl from say, Switzerland or Denmark and proceed and run away from the country i don't think they could hold me accountable for child support

I suppose you're right, it's just that in my mind thirdies are made to be exploited

Make sure you go to a country where abortion is illegal

Can't she report you by say taking a dna test after the birth of a child and sending it to your home country? I don't know but shit like this might be possible.

>sperm bank collecting sperm from mentally handicapped people in the first place
some evil prick arranged the entire thing

She will abort your child so it won't work. Thridies, on the other hand, are told by their tradition and religion to keep their children even if they're generally unwanted.

based thirdies accepting my cock and raising my children

Can you do in utero DNA test to be sure not to have a bad surprise upon delivery ?

yellow fever...rising.

this guy has a really strong seed

hypergamic bitches got done hard, lol

Dutch and their spermbanks, lol.
They are riddled with scandals.

despite being mentally challenged, this nigga has outdone all 4channers in the most essential human directive, 500 times over

I'd imagine that they could if they can test for Down syndrome

You have a responsibility to your offspring you piece of shit. Single mums raise criminals.

There is a woman who lives in front of my house, and her father abandoned her and has done the same thing in other provinces from my country and also in Italy and Malaysia

why are dads such good-two-shoe betas

>not having a core group of offspring that you raise yourself while having tons of DNA backups worldwide

She looks like she'd reject me and laugh at it with her friends