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International #1229
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Sverigetråden Greiderupplagan
Why do hardcore racists only exist in white countries?
Mmmm asian bois
/desi/- Holy fuck this lockdown is boring edition
Tfw no qt gf to hunt with
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Rate my map
Civil war in America
Just found out a girl I didnt like in high school got cancer and died a few years back
Anyone native in a romance language that tried learning russian: how easy or difficult is it?
/ro/: firul nostru
Who was in the wrong here?
Be Korean
What's wrong with Japan?
Santiago!!!!! Guerra!!!!
Sum up your country in one image
Wtf is wrong with Irish people ?
My gf has been cucking me for an Abo named Gordon
Post men from your country who are considered handsome
Post before after pics from your cunt
Is there an African Zig Forums?
Do americans really do this?
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - Amfibiekårens upplaga
Comfy sunday Aya thread
Swedes stole anything they could lay their hands on—windows, stairs, chimneys, sculptures, floors, doors and gates...
What do we here on Zig Forums think about india-israel alliance?
Do joggers take breaks in construction sites during their 24 mile jogs in your country?
Can you name a single impressive European tech company?
Does this happen in your country?
Zig Forums topic prevalence revealer
Hey, you user!
Which one is the best?
What's with these prices, Denmark?
When will Korea become china again
/lat/ - hilo latino
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2381
ITT: non-countries
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2381
Why writing system of Japan is so unstable and has no consistency
Brainlet Test - Differential Equations Edition
Sverigetråden - Transupplagan
Why are Western women like this?
Why Western women are manky
What is the future of this union after this Coronavirus?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Black girl
Kurva anyátok
/fr/ - le fil français
Has russia produced anything of cultural importance recently?
Does any other country have a statue celebrating their own mass rape and genocide?
Why is krispykreme so delicious
Why should modern Japan keep on apologizing for past war crimes?
Ah yes fight for the empire desiboi the Germans and Japanese bad and evil you have to help us anglos with high moral...
/isr/ thread /ישר/
Would he stand a chance in ANY country?
What happens here?
ITT pretend we're the UN
Jap speaks decent english
/med/ - olive oil general
No Singaporean ancient warriors costume
Do you pray every evening before sleeping?
Hilo /esp/añol
Is Botswana the best African country?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico + /centralamerica/
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Why are Euros triggered when Americans and Australians walk outside barefoot?
Why does the rest of Zig Forums/nel hate Zig Forums? It's the best board
Be nigger
I hate my country
The Jomon roots turned out to be Caucasus
Nonwhites tell me I'm inferior cause I'm white
This is Britain's top tv heart throb. Say something nice about him...
Moscow or Saint Petersburg
Why are Asian girls such whores for white cock ?
What's food from Brazil like?
Is Zig Forums brainlet?
Do Catholic Latinas even exist anymore? Because I want to wife one
I scare to job interview
Which half is better?
What're the worst things about this country?
/dixie/ - Southern US & forens
Are other races getting smarter...
Would I be welcomed in your country as an immigrant?
America you ok?
Extremely cold still (negative celcius temperatures)
They are not wrong, Zig Forums
/lat/ hilo latino
Are they past 80,000 yet?
No girl has shown the slightest bit of romantic or sexual interest in me in the 2 decades I have lived
The webm that ended racism
Based or Cringe?
/desi/ No diaspora allowed
Do Japanese women like to have sex with white guys?
The 2 sole pagan countries left in the world... BBFs for life desu
Lives in a first world country
*writes a post to tell you how colombia is whiter than mexico, how chile is not whiter than colombia...
What did they mean by this?
Most Yanks are huge Anglophiles. When I did Camp America on my gap year all the fat buggers loved me...
What do they think of homosexuality?
At what age are you supposed to have a master's degree in your country
Do Korean women know they are goddesses?
What the fuck, US and UK? I thought we were bros :(
Would you marry a black girl Zig Forums?
When you hear "Congo", which one comes to mind?
Why are Americans parents like this?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Im 25 and I dont know what the fuck im doing with my life
River y nada mas.-
This is the prince of Brunei, say something nice about him
Name a more cucked country
What are Christians in your country like?
Tell me something why is it good
Do Europeans really feel sorry about colonialism?
/ita/ - il filo
So I have a theory
Northern Irish loyalists are the biggest brown noses in the world
Would this guy be considered white in your country?
Faces of Zig Forums
Why yes, I am from Hamburg in Germany, how could you tell?
How in the fuck is it possible that there are 7.5 billion humans on the planet...
Coins thread
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Russiaboo Thread
Post your kunt's capital city
I like white women
What is urban planning in your country like
What are your plans for life?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
/lat/ hilo latino
I can't do it anymore bros
Your count
What should i be doing to keep my brain sharp?
Someone nuke this shitty fucking continent, I can't bear its existence no more. Thanks
Daily reminder
Mfw teachers here make $1000 a month and you still have boomers complaining that they are overpaid
I indirectly created three Zig Forums memes, what about your accomplishments?
Do swedes really?
Are you optimistic about the future of your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post ur cunt's airforce
I think overpopulation is ruining all of our countries
/mashiro/, auch /nachtschicht/, morgen wieder /deutsch/
I’m a immigrant faggot trying to learn Spanish to save my life what do
Don't deserve the hate
What's the most popular video game in your cunt right now?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Natt upplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is it socially acceptable to be a fascist in your cunt?
Map thread
You've just been given 4 years of presidency to this country
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת קוומינג למלכות שחורות
Do you prefer mexican food or british food?
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber /deutsch/
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
This sends shivers down my spine. I feel her every feeling
Post a photo of the woods near to where you live
I like Spain. Say something nice about Spain
Happy victory day guys. It took the whole world to defeat 1 small country, that's such an impressive feat
Anglophone flag starts defending China
Why do many Americans think Indians are ugly (ok,) but think Gypsies are extremely beautiful...
/med/ - olive oil general
Italy is the most tattoed country in the world. I hate it
Empty your black qveen folder here. And dont lie to me, however small, you have one
Let's settle this once and for all
/ita/ - il filo
What country has the best sausages? For me it's easily Germany
Your flag
Tell me something i dont know about your cunt/post cats
/fr/ - le francofil
Real men use fists
The Truth about EVROPA
Why are spics/latinos so pathetic and weak compared to LVSOBVLLS?
Why doesn't Quebec get along with Canada?
/carib/ edition: Negritas
Sverigetråden - Segerdagen upplagan
Rank the 5 worst posters on this board
How does your country's government cuck its citizens out of smoking cigarettes...
Why did Lenin look like he had down syndrome when he was young?
This is the German constitutional court
/lat/ - hilo latino
Why are their economies stagnating?
Do you want to fall in love with a Japanese girl?
Using fancy mask is pretty gay desu
Once this quarantine goes away, where can I find a latin gf like this?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Well, Zig Forums?
What are your thoughts on women that are rich in melanin?
Faces of Zig Forums
Is there any country that is absolutely OBSESSED with your country?
So big but boring landscape
We should have stopped here
/desi/- Yogi Adityanath for PM edition
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Most depressing country ?
Is Chile a good country to live in / move to?
Ask a uruguayan in Brazil anything
Gooks and Japs are sleeping
/SvT/ Sverigetråden Lördagsfest Upplagan
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת גאוות ביתא ישראל
Which European cunt has the best metro system and why is it England
Do other Europeans actually hate Poles or is a just a meme?
Muslims here are about to eat after starving themselves for 15 hours
I'm 173cm at the end of the day
Do you want a traditional wife? Why?
Everyday I dream the future of Europa where the good guys won
Post famous writers from your cunt
Why does China love backdoors?
/v4/ + mateys
/mena/ + /diaspoop/
Why is my mom getting this recommended to her? Saw it while visiting my parents today
The future is theirs
What caused this?
/ibe/ (/esp/+/pt/+/and/+/gib/+/aut/)
/mex/ - El Mexican Hilo
East Asian > Europeans
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - le francofil
Why do med women have such beaitiful lips?
/ita/ - il filo
Guess the race
Why do shithole cities (especially in shithole countries) like Manila, Cairo, Miami, San Francisco, Istanbul, Cebu...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How do Americans feel that China is going to overtake them? Do you care?
Do Germans REALLY do that?
/SvT/ Sverigetråden För Svenskar och Brödrarfolk
It's unfair that USA gets made fun of over Vietnam war yet it was a military victory for us but a political failure...
Be Muslims and browns
Post a picture of your room
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2380
Now it is seen as one of the most beautiful cities in the UK, but it was a living hell in the past...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
In 700 years when the nordic race is extinct
What was like being captured by Japanese army during ww2??
Pick your favourite
Post the most american picture that you have
Why are balkan dudes so tall?
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Do you agree or disagree with this characterisation of Poland and the Polish nation?
Why do some people get multiple civs?
What did they mean by this?
Let's write Zig Forums Constitution
Zig Forums
Does this happen often in your country?
Explain yourselves, Indians
Mom is angry, badmouthing China and calling them dirty bat eating insects again
How do you go FROM THIS
In Japan, it is considered trendy and fashionable for Japanese girl to date Albanian Man
How common are Latino male Black female relationships in USA ?
The average iq in my country is 82
/fr/ - le francofil
/desi/- Dhanush edition
Sverigetråden - Lördagsupplagan
Why I left Norway after 5 days (when I had to stay there for months):
Sleep paralysis
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Turks are not whit-
What Germans think about Third Reich?
Look at the retarded corperate shills of america mamma mia!
Kurva anyátok
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
And how many languages do you speak r/int?
Allies Thread
I feel like I'm the only one of this site that actually likes Israel
Tea was invented in China four thousand years ago
Your cunt
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Are you an atheist, Zig Forums?
Hilo latANO
Deforestation rate in Brasil increased by 55% in january compared to previous year...
My russian boyfriend :)
Bitte! Dön't kill me comrade comissar! Ich habe 2 kinder please mercy! I was just following orders!
Why do Anglophone natives all have horrible accents when they speak foreign languages?
Can europeans understand the ebonics dialect?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Germanic General
Based on your main childhood era here (ages 5-12), are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
/med/ - olive oil general
ITT: Countries nobody is a -boo of
/עקום/ - /ISR/ - /إسر/ - /イスラ/
Eww, he's eating meat straight off the bone...
White men saved Japanese women from oppressive Japanese men
Me and the gf
/fr/ - le francofil
Post famous bridges from your country
South India is SOUL
I suffer in Brazil
Here in the US, there’s a pretty obvious divide between Latin people and Anglo (for lack of a better word) people...
/esp/ - Hilo del Reino de España
Would you buy a house in the Detroit?
/ita/ - il filo
You wake up in india
Why is Japan so racist?
Do white guys date black QVEENS(male) in your country?
Why do you like America so much, Uruguay user?
/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexico
Western world
/mex/ - Retarded Dictator edition
Do Americans really do this?
Hilo triste, oprimido y olvidado
Drop plate on the floor
Italy looks like Latin America
/fr/ - le Francofil
Does china actually have state funded promotion of racemixing?
Only brainlets believe China will overtake the US...
What the fuck is wrong with Germany
I suffer in America
How common is Marijuana use in your country?
Why are white people such deprived evil people ? Honestly I'm asking this serious to you
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Vocaroo thread
If Dixie was a country, what country would it be most comparable to?
*harbors terrorists*
Gives daughter good genes
If she says vote for Biden, I will vote
Post your town city flag
Eurasian females are the best looking women
Music Thread
/deutsch/ Nachtschicht
Prisons are for rehabilitation, and not for punishment...
What's your favorite country
Best posters of Zig Forums. Polite, educated, smart and incredibly based
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Is your country ready for the Chinese Century?
I love Asians
Your cunt
Why were American so cute before being mutts?
My gf is eccentric and I just found out she's been living in a tent for the last few days
What do you think of the country Taiwan?
[pro-american shill post]
Any of you share a room with a family member?
Capitalism was a mistake
Looking for nice friends
Sverigetråden hell seger upplagan
I am an engineah! Ah deserve respect and a cute vurgin wifeh who looks like pornstar
Proves democracy is just a meme
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Be american
Phenotypic map of Central America
Why monarchies still exist?
Faces of Zig Forums, i will start
American keeps a gun at hand
I wanna see this whore taking BLACK cock so bad, bros
75 years since
/islands/ - All things island related
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Japan has many Brazilians
Do you remember what happened on the 8th of May in 1945?
Fragile gringos unironically be like
Did you know that Russia has one of the highest HIV rates in the world? On par with Sub Saharan africa?
WTF, Is South Korea a superpower?
Viva mexico
Why do we love and find these old historic cities so beautiful when they were dirty and hell to live in for people in...
/lat/ hilo latino
/lat/ - hilo latino
I broke up with my girlfriend because she had watched 3guys1hammer twice without feeling bad or getting affected
How can French tell the difference between an Arab and a Frenchman in their country?
How easy is it to get a prostitute in your city?
Zoological miracles... events with odds against so astronomical they're effectively impossible...
See a black man jogging
What are you thankful of Zig Forums?
/brit /
Proto-Indo-European BVLLS edition
Why does he make right-wingers seethe?
/ita/ il filo
Faces on Zig Forums
Post uma delicias from your flag
Be influential American
Make fun of pic related
Why should I ever visit your country?
What was the worst decision your governments ever made?
Which one is the most cucked?
I DONT HAVE ANY FRIENDS WHAT DO PEOPLE DO TO MAKE FRIENDS IN YOUR COUNTRY??????????????????????????????????????????????...
Your face when an American replies to your thread? Here's mine
If you had to migrate to a country
Why are German genes so powerful? pic related is a paki and her German child
How common in Russia is it to visit this area? What mode of transportation would you take?
In which country can I impregnate women and abandon them without the need of paying child support?
Meanwhile in bizzaro Zig Forums
/lat/ hilo latino
If you could pick a girlfriend from any country, which country would you choose and why?
Y-You are arab!
You wake up and see this
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine