How do Americans feel that China is going to overtake them? Do you care?

How do Americans feel that China is going to overtake them? Do you care?

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Diplomatically, we are still #1

probably the same way you felt when we overtook you

Shits pretty weak tbqhwy. The Soviets were a much better rival.

Yes, I care, and I am happy for it

overtake them in what? most dogs consumed?

Attached: 1587979683658.webm (728x1290, 1.64M)

You're gonna be happy that China will overtake you?

dumb potato nigger

Attached: chinesepower.jpg (678x452, 52.41K)

if we stop acting like world police then very

China will never take over the US in world relevancy. Make economy they will, but the US propaganda machine is the best in the world. Anything China does is BAD, so they will always be seen by every nation on Earth as negative, even IF they overtake the US economy wise.