/islands/ - All things island related

Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Leafs, Indonesians, Aussies, Pinoys, Japs, Britbongs, Gayreeks and Ladyboys

>Not invited
islandlets like continental Europe, Asia, USA and sudcacas

>Invited guests:
Iceland, Ireland, Algeria

Attached: islands.png (952x680, 276.38K)

cumming on my penis

Scandinavia is not an island. Neither is Australia

hello friend i want to thank you for inviting me to this nice thread!!

this is what we are counting as islands btw

Attached: unnamed.jpg (333x450, 63.21K)

neither is hobbitville, faggot

New Zealand is several islands

Remember my friends face (she's from Italy) when she found out I own an island kek. She looked as if I told her I own the moon.
Wasn't even expensive, cheaper than buying a house on the mainland.

brukade fiska där när jag var yngre
