Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Leafs, Indonesians, Aussies, Pinoys, Japs, Britbongs, Gayreeks and Ladyboys
>Not invited
islandlets like continental Europe, Asia, USA and sudcacas
>Invited guests:
Iceland, Ireland, Algeria
Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Leafs, Indonesians, Aussies, Pinoys, Japs, Britbongs, Gayreeks and Ladyboys
>Not invited
islandlets like continental Europe, Asia, USA and sudcacas
>Invited guests:
Iceland, Ireland, Algeria
cumming on my penis
Scandinavia is not an island. Neither is Australia
hello friend i want to thank you for inviting me to this nice thread!!
this is what we are counting as islands btw
neither is hobbitville, faggot
New Zealand is several islands
Remember my friends face (she's from Italy) when she found out I own an island kek. She looked as if I told her I own the moon.
Wasn't even expensive, cheaper than buying a house on the mainland.
brukade fiska där när jag var yngre