Muslims here are about to eat after starving themselves for 15 hours.
Is this common in your country?
Muslims here are about to eat after starving themselves for 15 hours
Christian Garcia
Aaron White
what would happen if a muslim caught you doing that?
Alexander Ramirez
It's the Jord-user who hates muslims. How you are you holding up?
Jaxon Evans
hes too pussy to do it in public
Christopher Morgan
I would smash his head with a sledgehammer, put the Qurans above his corpse and take a new picture with the same position.
Zachary Ross
Ethan Thomas
Pretty well, just the usual fitnah planting and corruption of the muz youth.
Robert Jenkins
connoisseur of the edge
Cameron Evans
I go in the streets and eat in public just to annoy you every year, you're lucky that this time there's Corona protecting you from Qahir allah.
Luis White
>starving themselves for 15 hours
are you retarded. normal people do 24-48-72 hour fasts every time