is your country smart about money?
New PISA 2018 results for Financial Literacy
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based jews
no way we are that high, most people here are absolutely shit with money
we have a socialdemocrat-communist government, so you can get an idea of the level of our financial education
Why are we so smart leaf bros?
the most important achievement of the jews is somehow linking not being a retard with money to being a jew
now every time the goy think about spending carefully and saving for a rainy day they'll go "wtf am i doing, am no joo, im supposed to consume" and so the gentile parts with his money out of his own volition
anyone that spreads the idea of personal financial responsibility is to be summarily ignored
All nations below 500 in mean score should be sterilised and give up to big brain bois.
because despite our educational system being shit, most others are even worse
and desu despite east asian countries like korea outperforming us, I'd much rather have our high school experience than theirs
While I agree that we can improve our education system, especially in maths where we kinda underperform as compared to the rest of the OECD, I'd rather not study 16 hours a day like the Koreans, thanks.
Asian minority