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International #1231
American man kills argie thot
Why are Americans so serious and grim all the time? Europeans in my experience seem more laid back and funny
Why are women so strange?
Who is your favourite american politician
Why do Americans sit on the roof?
Why do Europoors love Nutella so much?
How you see yourself old?
Tfw greek origin name
Sup Zig Forums
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
/esp/ - hilillo español
Greek have Aristotle
/ita/ - il filo
Have you fuckers tried any real mexican food or just the shitty tex-mex equivalent?
Your country
Post food from your city
Show me the supernatural creatures from your country
Sverigetråden - Frihetssonerupplagan
Is it common for people to literally have 0 friends and live like an isolated hermit in your country?
/nachtschicht/ erst morgen wieder /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - Le fil français
Tell me about the wildlife in your country
What are some good ways to make girls seethe online?
I had sex with an Australian girl
Isnt it cringe when people take credit for what "their race" has done
French colonies
Why were Germans so mad at the Treaty of Versailles? In fact they were treated rather lightly...
Do unitedstatesians really just eat a plate of bacon and nothing else for breakfast?
Germany of Asia or the UK of Asia?
Video doesn't end with a topless blonde who walks up with a pitcher and says:
/ASEAN/ Thought polis thread
Russia and Sweden should be better friends!
Do you love Korea?
Why yes I'm british, how did you know, was it me accent?
User, you know so much about so many different countries? where did you learn all this?
I've never seen an obese German. I don't mean a bit chub or anything, but an actually American-sized one ya know...
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Majoras upplaga
Hilillo /esp/añol
Maoris vs Aztecs whow would win
/brit /
Most expected brazilian porn
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What if you found out your child had a severe disability while it was still in the womb...
Why does europeans want to learn spanish but in schools only is mandatory to learn english?
Do you like Somalia?
Do you understand or Talk the languages related to your native language?
What’s Zig Forums‘s undergraduate/major degree ?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What's your country general like?
Show castles/old manor houses from your cunt
Why do Scottish people use so much drugs?
no cute german boyfriend
Why are brown people so much better at music than whitoids?
Will you travel to another country this summer?
One chance at life
Look you made her cry
/fr/ - Le fil français
/brit /
/esp/ Hilo ESPAÑOL
Would it happen in your cunt
Why do Muslims hate black people so much?
Can any of you black people explain?
Nords do be like that
Ww3 thread
Ugh... What could have been
A perfect Europe doesn't exis-
Post "I am" in Spanish
I truly do wish this man was in charge of the US instead of Trump
/Ita/ il filo
Italy will have a new aircraft carrier
The world would be a better place if the USA was divided into 10-15 countries
I want an Italian queen to be my gf
Tell me a joke from your country. I don't know any so I can't start
Helsinki looks very dystopian
Why do muslim children wear burkas? is it really considered indecent for little girls to show their hair...
1. Country
What did they mean by this?
Hilo /lat/ino
Your country
Builds high speed rails, highways, bridges, ports in shit hole SEA cuntries
What do you call this in your langauge?
Lizardmen = aztecs
Is there any other purpose in life than having sex with attractive girls?
Is American entertainment consumed a lot in your country?
Sverigetråden - Sneedupplagan
Why is this country so cucke.d?
/ita/ il filo
Why do you people talk about turks so much?
This retard ginger turned his back on his country and his family because of a used American actress washout...
/fr/- le francofil
Do you prefer Western or Asian civilization?
German humor thread
Better than any k-pop song ever released
That is one odd looking white girl
Sentence child molesters and attempted murderers to less than 5 years of imprisonment...
Post tv reporter girls you like from your cunt
COVID-19 marks the end of America's global hegemony and the start of the Chinese century
You know, I'm actually Italian as well
Why isnt there a single white poster from this country?
Does your country have good pizza?
Why is any girl WAY HOTTER if she is Brazilian instead of is she is from other country?
Hilo /esp/añol
What do you know about Swedish pizza?
He lives in western/northern Europa
You're not a real EVROPEAN country because you spent 50 years behind the iron curtain and 1000 years of your history...
How long could you survive by yourself in the most remote parts of your cunt? Would you make it back to civilization?
Which one has better food?
/desi/-DOTA edition
Show your eyes
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
People in LatAm, similar to Flipland culturally and economically, are dying like flies because of the virus...
Have you ever benefited from white privilege?
Do you have a favorite fictional character that belongs to a certain culture in particular, Zig Forums ?
How do you feel about the fact that the US will soon become a Latin country?
/med/ - olive oil general
What will you name your first child?
Sverigetråden - skadedjursupplagan
/ita/ - il filo
What's with this board and its constant shitting on this guy?
Do you love Japanese trains?
Why yes I do indeed commit blasphemy 24-7 even though it's illegal and it would probably get me killed but I don't mind...
Why nobody talks about them on Zig Forums?
1. Your cunt
/Mex/ + /Chi/
Have you ever been outside Europe?
How women react in your country when you look at their ass?
Hey Europeans! Why do you hate Gypsies? Why are they bad and so hated? What did they do?
I want to drop 2 nukes on America and see how they react
Do people eat sheep head in your cunt?
Yeah so as we were saying, are atheists brainlets in your cunt as well?
Can I pass as a local in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Wtf did you just draw my pedo desert cult leader???...
Does the US have a bright future?
Bring ðem back!!
What is your favourite sport? Mine is Turkish wrestling
Why do Swedes say Finns weren't vikings?
Your country
In 24 hours, you will be transported to some point on the italian peninsula 2000 years ago...
Post the mayor of your country's captial
In Saudi Arabia people still marry virgin women
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - Autismupplagan
Please visit New Zealand when this is over
/esp/ - Edición sueca
Germans are the most bullied group on Zig Forums
America what the fuck happened? I thought this guy was going to prison forever?
Do atheists even love their own parents?
Muslims in Finland are supposed to fast 23 full hours
Anyone know about Paraguay double flag?
/Bul + Mac/
ITT: Post a pic of the country above you
Listen <-> West
Do you know how to use chopsticks?
YouTube front page
What's the most based/comfy european city?
Innocent bees
Do you have any strange pet peeves or phobias?
Based or Cringe?
Do you love Europe?
VLAANDEREN will be independent and send all niggers and goatfuckers to the netherlands thank you
/med/ - olive oil general
I saw high people
Which country has the best public transport?
Why do we contribute so much per capita to science and progress? Why are we superior?
Paris is full of niggers
Do you want to find love in Japan?
Thoughts on amerishart literature?
Roman thread
/ita/ - il filo
Is TikTok popular in your country?
Why does everyone hate gypsies? Do they really deserve their reputation?
This is literally Canada: The Website
Which European countries you visited did you enjoy the most?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
1. Your cunt
"I wAnT tO lIvE iN nEw ZeAlAnD"
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Finns are Europea-
Is there any other purpose in life than having sex with attractive girls?
Felipe is developing into an amazing young woman
Why do Afghans look like Jomon Japanese?
Countries as MBTI Personality Types
What's it like living in a Soviet commie block?
Have you ever been in love with a girl?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
I postponed job interview because scary
Yo I’m not gonna lie this little nigga do be looking a little BASED tho
Ask a Mexican anything
Nu-/SEA/ thread
/mex/ the lord is death
/lat/ - hilo latino
What other countries should be Finlandized?
Do they?
Is this backed up by any verifiable facts?
/polska/ nocna
Did you ever experience romance with a schoolgirl?
Do they like Mexican food? Do they have Tex Mex restaurants in their cities?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The extreme mass of the bunda is used to properly dissipate the extreme kinetic energy generated by the BBC during...
What are some kino countries?
America is a German colony. Deal with it
Biden said he's going to solve the immigration problem by "fixing" these countries
Canada gets high IQ asians with cute small feminine girls who worship white guys...
After a lot of denial I have become an atheist, I used to doubt religion since whenever I was a child...
Do you like Turkey UwU?
Do latina girls really think this?
Socialism doesn't wor-
900 deaths in a day
Are native Northern Europeans white?
It sucks to think, that in 100 years croatians will be basically assimilated into american culture...
Based egyptians
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I'm learning Russian at university and I like it but ultimate goal is to learn Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian does anyone...
Do you believe in God?
How is this trending in your country?
Americans reacting negatively to anti-circumcision sentiments IRL
So every white, western country will be like Brazil in the near future?
ITT speak French without using Google Translate
This is so fucking sad bros. Remember what they took from you
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Who is your favorite American rock band?
Was it justified?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Why are Asians so ugly? I know most people aren't models but Asians take it to a whole new level...
/ita/ il filo
What have they ever done for the world - besides making it worse?
Why do they have the best Tgirls?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/lat/ - hilo latino
Hilillo /esp/añol
Sverigetråden - Kåtbeteupplagan
Which country is nicer to Pakistanis?
Is it about time for Europeans to modernise their cities?
Are the Dutch even humans?
Why is this board in particular so filled with self-hating depressive losers? what went wrong?
What do you call chess pieces in your language?
Every girl assumes you have a tiny dick
I will never be fluent in French
This country is so fucked. The 56%, cuck and soijak memes are real...
Is this right, guys?
Your Cunt
Are they all hairy?
Vocaroo thread?
One year since uni graduation
Do you have slags issue in your country?
Well, Zig Forums?
/ro/: firul nostru
Which year do you think they will collapse in?
/larp/, formally known as /balk/
Fenno-Norwegians > Fenno-Swedes > Finns
/ישר/ - /isr/
Why do Finns look like this?
Why are latinos like this?
Eurovision Song Celebration 2020
Sverigetråden - Nami-sans upplaga
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
I am tired of this lockdown bros
Spanish Father BVLL Rating his DAUGHTER'S BIKINIS
Is there a more beta ethnic group in history?
What the fuck I love Communism now
Based spanish
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Who is the Joe Rogan of your country?
So user tell us what is your favourite city in the world or we'll tickle you
It is Suomi
What are you waiting for user? hop in!
What about you, Zig Forums ?
/spix firma bofrost/, vormals /deutsch/
People from the US apparently think the USSR was as bad or worse than Nazi Germany...
Why aren't names like Juan, Jose, Maria, Pablo, Diego, etc. as common there anymore?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Children are going extinct
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2383
What happens in Tel-Aviv?
Tell me about sweden
Can someone explain the whole kpop thing to me and why its becoming popular in the West, especially among progressives?
/ita/ il filo
Why yes, I were right, how could you tell?
Would you live in Southern-Southern Europe?
Sverigetråden - Episka semiironiska Skurtupplagan
/med/ - mediterranean general
What's the worst thing this country has ever done?
How corrupt is your country?
Why is everything tinted yellow-orange in mexico?
Americans really do this don't they?
When are you starting a family?
Make Africa Great Again
1. Your country
Do you Brahmins in India have this stereotype of having large noses...
Croat master race?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
While europeans argue on imageboards about who was greatest in the past...
/nOrgEtråDen/ Incel-Lasse-utgaven
Helsinki . . . home
Post pictures of comfy/beautiful villages/towns/cities in your cunt
Would you support a New Catalan Mediterranean Empire?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
New PISA 2018 results for Financial Literacy
Which side are you on?
Sverigetråden Svenskatwinkenupplagan
When you see hangul
/ita/ - il Filo
What ethnicity is that?
Hilo /cat/
This is how France depicts Brazil in its movies
Hilo /esp/añol
When foreskin restoration is possible I will get it
Sverigetråden - Södra Öland-utgåvan
Does your country look forward to the Chinese Century?
What do you think about Slavs?
Thoughts on the State of Minnesota
/fr/ - le francofil
1. Have you ever had sex with a girl?
How do you sleep?
How do you call these in your language?
"The guy on the left looks lazy, entitled, bitter, desperate, and insecure...
What does it feel like to have blue eyes?
Your cunt
I wish I lived in Bangladesh. This country has souls, country very alive. Unlike European lame countries
Is Quixote pronounced "Ki-kho-te?"
How many years of your life have you lost due to being lazy?
*invents literally 95% of everything good in this world*
Muslims be like: my my look at the time, it's time for my daily pagan ritual of worshipping my moon God
Be me
Go to America
Guess ethnicity
Switzerland is looking like paradise on earth
/ita/ - il filo
Western Balkans is 'priority': EU top official says
I want to see retardeds dying from a respiratory infection from wearing those masks all day and stressing their...
I suffer in brazil
Sverigetråden - Malmöupplagan
If a girl tells you she's been browsing Zig Forums since age 11 is it a minor red flag or a big red flag?
Yikes, British genes
Please buy German cars and Germany-made home appliances please
Western women be like
Thoughts on amerishart literature?
When the race war starts I guarantee that Turks/Arabs will fight on the white side against blacks
Does this make you cry? :(
Be Russian
El Hilo /esp/añol
Do you consider yourself patriotic, nationalist, or neither?
People are seething at Sweden being a degenerate hole that is destroying Europe but have you guys ever looked at France?
Wtf america?
Here's some facts about why Finland is not nordic:
I'm a manlet(163cm)
Russia is No.2
Imagine a russian gf haha, that would be pretty funny haha
I don't get it
Why do so many people here hate Germany?
My country is hopeless shithole
Tyrannical authoritarian third world government does something horrible
Why aren't they succesful?
Why Japanese building look like this
Sverigetråden - Skojiga skämtsamma DFSupplagan
How do people in your country view Europe?
/desi/- No fokkin fighting edition
Do you want a German gf?
Who is less european?
If we had this land, we would be a supepower unironically. We would have one the largest maritime border...
/fr/ - Le francofil
Do you have a nuclear power plant in your country?
How was China able to grow from a total shithole 30 years ago to a world leader today?
EU good
/tr/ - Alüminyum Folyo Edisyonu
America cucked by Israel
Best US state to live?
Do Americans REALLY?
Seeing all my other favorite boards turn shittier and shittier
Is your immune system working properly?
/lat/ hilo latino
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת סי אי איי
How do you deal with being a second gen migrant in your country?
How to tell if a poster is non-white: they aren't racist
Joy! in UK
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine