content seal edition
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Come on dummies, you know what time it is
Two days passed. Two to go.
>tfw nothing to live for
literally and unironically me right now
ohayo :)
I horny, hyped and happy.
At last... V-A-R-S-H-A-V-A.
Blessing this thread.
The janitor is a shuhuman piece of shit that should be killed in the most painful way possible.
Show me where the mod touched you.
He keeps banning me for the most trivial reasons possible. The subhuman has a stick up his ass.
@janshit: even if you ban me for "evading", I'll just reset my router, so save both of us some time and don't bother. Subhuman piece of trash.
Yandex is so much better than Google wtf
This lil nigga finna be my dog once he turns 8 weeks old.
Your thoughts?
Alfred‘s gonna be his name. Cause it‘s a German breed and all.
Based I also live in Varshava
Pet him regularly
Good morning sunshines :)
Sure will.
Ohayo :)
dzisiaj mogę chyba?
chuj tam umrę i tak
why are americans so dumb
Had a weird and pleasant dream. But because of it I overslept 3 hours as always.
I watched a horror movie, thinking some gore and hack and slash violence will make the depression go away and i will have normal nightmares about it and get a good night's sleep
There was a cute as fuck realistic young romance
i spent the whole night dreaming of those sequences of them laughing, talking, holding hands and kissing
i woke up suicidal again
the ride never ends does it
I had a dream with my secondary school crush that I haven't seen for 15 years now
I asked the guy for tire production date and they were from 2004 and already falling apart and he said he invested a lot in it.
any plans for today?
Play lots of LoL and that's pretty much it. You?