Fenno-Norwegians > Fenno-Swedes > Finns

Fenno-Norwegians > Fenno-Swedes > Finns

Finns had an hatred towards Norwegians because we were richer, didn't pay taxes and was part of the elite

Attached: Hans Gutzeit.jpg (475x743, 68.46K)

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Gimme the rundown famalam

They have even had a Norwegian president, Martti Ahtisaari

Attached: WEALTHY.jpg (1038x92, 52.35K)

This guy was 1/4 Norwegian
we're very very good with Scandinavian genes in the mix and the Mongol gene is eliminated
When you mix Finland and Norway you get purest Aryans

Attached: aaro_kivilinna.jpg (279x300, 30.63K)

Not as chad as this Fenno-Norwegian Leif Wager

Fuck Fenno-Swedes

Attached: LeifWager.jpg (1200x1537, 451.39K)

>Martti Ahtisaari
Doesn't sound Norwegian. Sounds more like a Norwegian with Finnish ancestry moving back to Finland

Hah, when I saw that I was sure that you were trolling but it is true: Martti Ahtisaari's father is of Norwegian descent.

His grandfather Julius Marenius Adolfsen had emigrated with his parents to Finland in 1872 from Tistedalen in Southern Norway. He took Finnish citizenship in 1929 and Finnicized his surname from Adolfsen in 1936.

Many of the Norwegian immigrants settled in the middle of Finnish rural regions and established sawmills, In 1872, Hans Gutzeit, a Norwegian, founded a sawmill in Kotka, which grew to be Stora Enso, pic related

What would they do without us Norwegians....

Attached: Stora Enso.jpg (800x451, 91.33K)

Without Swedes and Norwegians, Finns would still live in caves and eat tree bark. Thanks for bringing civilization to us Finns!