Vocaroo thread?
Vocaroo thread?
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le sexe? très basé
>är du galen
Let's test our english speaking skills.
Try to say:
1 - His job is to overlook the construction site and make sure everyone remains safe.
2 - I liked the original version of the movie better, not the remake.
Please rate no hate.
You should work on your pronounciation of "movie" and "remake". Listen to how I say it:
I recorded the other one too
I can't rock a british accent like yours dude.
>I can't rock a british accent like yours dude.
Why not bruv? Though you don't need it anyway, your vaguely American style accent sounds just fine :)
Just work on the "o" in "movie" and "re" in "remake". Otherwise it was good
having distinct accents is based, fuck off Sven
Håkan is it true the Finnish accent when speaking swedish is very cute? All the swedish girls i know say it's the cutest they know but i am scared they just flattering. I need unbiased opinion.
>having distinct accents is based, fuck off Sven
Huh? Why are you angry Pelka? I'm just saying that he should work on the pronounciation of two vowels because they were kind of wrong? I wasn't shitting on his accent at all.
Yours sound more like someone trying to do a British accent rather than a natural one.
>Håkan is it true the Finnish accent when speaking swedish is very cute? All the swedish girls i know say it's the cutest they know but i am scared they just flattering. I need unbiased opinion.
Depends on what you mean by Finnish accent. Fenno-Swedish sounds cute. The Finnish accent is not bad either.
k give me something to say and ill try
>Yours sound more like someone trying to do a British accent rather than a natural one.
I'm not a Brit so that makes sense bro
His accent is still swedish as fuck
Sounds like you have a lisp on "remake"
"Original" sounded funny, its "original" not 'ewiginal"
Hans arbete är att hjälpa till där han kan. Jag tycker att han gör det bra, vi vill ha honom i tjänst här även nästa år. Själv gillade jag den första tråden, den var bättre än den nya.
I tried to attenuate my French accent.
1. vocaroo.com
2. vocaroo.com
Yours is nice, nice voice too.
(ignore my flag)
Yeah sorry, I tend to mumble when speaking English.
from /esp/ voca.ro
FUCK FUCK ok give me like 5 mins
My accent is very based ngl
No problem bro. And don't be afraid to tell me if my sentences were too hard or anything, I could fix new ones.
eh i dont really wanna take another try, i could do way better and i literally got stuck on fucking "än" but here it is (if you can hear anything, this mic kinda sucks)
rate my accent, do i sound indian/pakistani? i hope not
Very based. Thick Finnish accents while speaking Swedish sounds so good
t. other Sven
same the other way around, it's heart-melting
Pretty nice. I wouldn't say it sounds cute though. Finnish accents sound pretty tough and grim to me. Might just be because I associate them with stereotypes but whatever.
It's cute, I like Finnish accents.
sing this
it was written by a finn
incredibly based, i think i will pass though :D we got thin walls
I think Finlandssvenska is very cute but "real" Finnish accents sound very masculine