>you're not a real EVROPEAN country because you spent 50 years behind the iron curtain and 1000 years of your history before that don't matter at all
why are westerners like that
>you're not a real EVROPEAN country because you spent 50 years behind the iron curtain and 1000 years of your history before that don't matter at all
why are westerners like that
You're a Westerner you Catholic bitchboy
>you're not a real EVROPEAN country
what? who says this lmao?
Eastern "europe" was always a poor backward shithole.
Only americans would consider slavshit white or european
>only 1000 years of history
That's why
>Eastern "europe" was always a poor backward shithole.
So were Spain, Portugal, Finland, Greece or Ireland but no one excludes them from 'European civilization' only because they were lucky enough to stay on the western side of the iron curtain after WW2 and that's why their culture exists in western minds.
Ireland is small and irrelevant but people usually know about it more than about eastern Europe combined.
Spanish history began only in 1469
>poles are allowed to claim their country is over a 1000 years old
>we aren't
fuck you
>we aren't
aren't you?
Why aren't you allowed?