I truly do wish this man was in charge of the US instead of Trump
>Doesn't make retarded contradictory comments on Weibo
>Doesn't tell his countrymen to drink bleach in a press conference
>actually gives a shit about his people and genuinely wants to improve their livelihood
>doesn't waste time by bringing up past leaders and blaming them
Democracy was a mistake
America is fucked either way come November
I truly do wish this man was in charge of the US instead of Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
Xi, please help your citizens.
He is in charge of Trump. China runs world. It is the Chinese century
Unironically true
A world with periodic recessions and rapidly hurtling towards permanent destruction. Wow
Should I somehow try to move to a cabin in the mountains before this next election? I just want to go hermit mode for at least 4 years just so I don't have to watch or read any news. What could I do for income or food? Oh God. I don't want to bear witness. The grim reaper holds open my eyelids with his cold and bony fingers.
What's wrong with whites?
Zig Forums said it's a Jew, not a white, if you zoom in on his nose.
Xi has lived through some bad shit and come out on top. Trump has repeatedly failed and survived by bullshitting.
Trump scared because Xi is the real deal. I wonder is Trump is afraid of Netanyahu too, considering that Bibi was killing terrorists in classified missions whilst Trump was fucking around behind his wife's back.
Netanyahu was killing Arabs while Trump was draft dodging.
Xi's parents were killed by Mao and he spent his former years digging ditches
>implying someone intelligent enough to be president wouldn't be able to outmanoeuvre the draft and nonsensical taxes
Speaks to his ingenuity unlike pacifist libshits who suddenly see the honour in war
You don't have to be intelligent to he an American president
Of course he is, he's also scared of Putin because he was a KGB agent. He knows he's just a pampered rich boy among hardened men like Xi, Bibi, Putin, which is why he bends over like a bitch for them.
His sister was killed, his parents imprisoned.
>Democracy was a mistake
t. Zhang
Get off the proxy faggot.
You know I'm right
>You know I'm right
non-democracies like China have lost millions of people in purges and famines. That's without taking all the freedoms and liberties that they've taken away from them.
You are retarded. You think a few bad years in the US, somehow would justify switching to such a non-functional system.
Dictatorships and Authoritarian regimes work, until they don't. Democracy's constant regime chance makes them a lot more flexible, and capable of making the changes necessary to keep the populace happy.
Democracy has outlived all those european monarchies, and dictatorships. The same will happen with the chinese social-facism. Give a few decades. They will either be forced to reform, and or collapse.
non-flexible political systems will break on their own.
>Democracy has outlived all those european monarchies
If you're going to appeal to history, don't pick a form of government that was basically ignored for a couple thousand years after it was conquered.
>10 points of social credit have been added to your account.
>basically ignored for a couple thousand years after it was conquered
I'm talking post-enlightenment here. The ancient was way different.
>non-democracies like China have lost millions of people in purges and famines
Yeah maybe back in the 90s
When has China had a famine or a purge in the last 10 years
Your argument is flawed though. Democracies are a distinctly Western phenomenon and they exist since late 18th century.
200 years is nothing.
Does your lifespan only last 10 years, or can you genuinely not imagine living into the future?
No but really
Has China had any purges or famines since Mao died?
>That's without taking all the freedoms and liberties that they've taken away from them.
What exactly was taken away?
>Da Chinese can't criticize their government!!!!!!
You mean criticize policies or plot to overthrow the government or start a revolution?
WOW, such long time ago.
This is my point exactly. You hyperfocus on the recent 10-20 years of chinese history, and somehow think they are the new city on the hill. Ignoring the centuries of absolutely shit that it has had to deal with.
Wasn't there also a political purge a few years ago? Where Xi got rid of all his rivals within the party?
>Democracies are a distinctly Western phenomenon
so are communist regimes, and socialism. It didn't stop the east from adapting it. Democracy is also practiced in basically every country neighboring china with the exception of Vietnam. This whole "China is incompatible with democracy" is just CCP propaganda to defend against criticisms for the lack of liberal reforms.
>200 years is nothing
sure, but we don't like in the 900s anymore. I don't think making comparisons with those days is relevant.
>WOW, such long time ago.
I mean yeah it is
Your argument is that non democracy countires have gaming and purging
China hasn't had one since it was poor like Africa
>Wasn't there also a political purge a few years ago? Where Xi got rid of all his rivals within the party?
Those weren't his rivals
They were literal corrupt officials
>You mean criticize policies or plot to overthrow the government or start a revolution?
if you deem all unwanted speech as revolutionary, separatists, and destabilizing, then retards like you will start believing them without a second thought.
>criticize policies
YES. You think this is a bad thing? The only reason chinese politicians are considered mavericks is because their policies and the result of them is not questioned. bad results are suppressed, and the CCP never loses any confidence from the people. But it leads to corruptions and retarded policies that end up harming the country.
Was that Wuhan doctor a revolutionary? Was he out to undermine the state and the people? I'm sure he was no?
>Doesn't tell his countrymen to drink bleach in a press conference