/med/ - olive oil general

Aka Mediterranean, aka coomer general. Invited: all Mediterranean countries. Also welcome: Any country that produces olive oil and wine, as well as the UK, native Americans and elves.

We live in a society edition.

What's the most selfish thing you've seen someone ever do? Why are they always boomers? What do you think about people who do shit like stand on the left on the escalators, or cut in line?
Share stories.


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Milan is grim as fuck on a grey day.

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I didn't really like Milan desu
The fact that I only had 2 days to spend there, and that my mom would drag me from shop to shop didn't help either

It's nice to live here, not too great to visit.

I see
What's your favourite place in Italy? I haven't been in that many, but I really enjoyed Rome and Siena

Valerie is literal perfection.

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>playing ghost recon
>trying to complete final mission in a region
>have to assassinate the enemy commander in the middle of a well fortified base
>place is full of snipers who can easily spot you, jammers that disable your drone, SAM sites that make it impossible to use a chopper and if you ever get detected several attack helicopters and infinitely spawning waves of enemies start coming at you
>keep getting my ass handed to me for over an hour and a half but too stubborn to give up
>no checkpoints either, died several times and had to restart from scratch
>at about my sixth or seventh attempt, slowly whittling away at the enemy base taking out the snipers
>get spotted and almost killed
>the AI decides to derp out and instead of staying safe in his bunker the enemy commander decides to charge out of the base towards my position with a handful of soldiers
>easily gun him down and win
I think RNGesus was just taking pity on me

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gayreek subhuman faggot

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looks like a cumslut desu

Hello frens

I wish I could smell and lick her.

yeah she looks like some private uni girls with frequent dick appointments



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Nothing wrong with liking basic bitches, it's just that some of us have a more refined sexual palate.

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looks generic
how the fuck do you remain virgins if THIS is your fuck goal?

Valerie isn't a "fuck goal", you incel. Valerie is a treasure and a human being who deserves to be loved, cared for, shown affection.

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why the fuck would you wife an obvious cumwhore?


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Based Basileios the Abo Slayer

implying I don't have offers from whores like those
I'd rather eat my spleen than have to smell cum from a basic bitch's breath

I'm just speaking the truth

I hope you know that when Valerie's career in politics kicks off, you're all going to prison.

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>she's even sucking HIM off
why are you worshiping her

>Valerie's career in politics kicks off
kek wot

You mean after she fucks and gives head to enough politicians to find a way to get into politics herself.

>mfw Valérie pay back the debt of Lebanon by selling feet pics

Jealous beasts.

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saw that pic on 9gag yesterday

>that website still exists

Selling feet pics should be illegal, it should be considered a human right, like water.