Americans really do this don't they?

Americans really do this don't they?

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bruh who tf upvotes this shit? fr

that's really cringe
anyway, no, we don't


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He's actually standing up behind that box, right?

god those people are so gay

People enjoying things is nice :) let them have their fun.

He's found happiness, why be a bitter hater?

That's actually pretty nice.
Idk why people hate on people having fun nowadays.

They do

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it's escapism, it's not healthy

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Yes. How could you tell?

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because i can't

Why are Americans so emotional?

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Frenchies after seeing Tyrone, Jamal and Achmed fuck their 1/10 wife in the street and then start walking over to them

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Americans are the ones obsessed with cuckoldry
What's next, calling us fat?

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Do American really remember what they want when they were TWO?
I remember nothing before my 4th year in life

I remember some things from when I was that age. It's not unheard of

yes you do look at the picture fucking retard

>implying you don't want an AT-AT

>everyone who speaks English is American
I got bad news for you, bud

>it's escapism, it's not healthy
son you're on Zig Forums

> goes to a website filled with faggots
> sees one faggot
> happens to be American
> all Americans must be faggots

Yeah, we have a good amount of faggots but this logic is pretty retarded.

mindless consumerism is not happiness retard
it's a shitty useless toy that he will throw in the garage and forget about withing the week

Never undestood that meme about getting stuff you couldn't have as a kid when you're adult
I don't care about the toys I never had because I don't play toys anymore

I was considering getting a switch but I don't want people thinking I'm some soyboy or candy ass
god dammit

proof he is american?

>implying people think he's American for speaking English
What told me he's merican is the cringe-inducing enthusiasm for Star wars, only americans are like that

So, is it clear that Soyjak's nationality is American?

I love the one that gets mauled by his own cat for sperging out.

Everything in the picture

Europeans fear the American chad, too weak and effeminate