DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2384

DJT is a language learning thread designed by and for those studying the Japanese language.
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Important result of the lasts thread's survey – the cutest prefecture names are:
Mie (2), Aomori (2), Tottori (2), Saga (1), Saitama (1), Akita (1)

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there's absolutely nothing cute about saitama

To be honest, the response I got was , though I still decided to count it

But I agree!

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And here's my favorite polish guy

It's no wonder that you think there is nothing cute about Saitama because a lot of wage slaves live out there who commute to Tokyo by getting on packed trains.

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I'm in northern Tokyo but the train line I (used to) commute with comes from Saitama and it's always packed as shit. I fucking hate it. I hope I can keep working from home even after this pandemic is over.


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>I hope I can keep working from home even after this pandemic is over.
a lot of people are saying the same thing. the boss is usually an extroverted faggot that will force people to come into the office though.
they need their stupid pointless gossip to make them feel like they exist

Heh, my manager is a chill guy, and we already have some people (much more tenured than me though) who work remotely from home but they are seen as very special cases. I have actual data showing that I've been much more productive since the pandemic started and I plan to present that to my manager (and our director too, maybe) and make a case for myself as well.
I just want to fuck off from Tokyo and go somewhere in the middle of nowhere / Shikoku and just chill. That would be the dream life for me.

I wonder if korona is gonna change Japanese way of running business. Like pretending to be busy, and doing pointless overtime.

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ポラック、ベンギエル、ヅバ ブラタンキー
イ ド サブリー イ ド スクランキー

Lengyel, magyar – két jó barát,
Együtt harcol s issza borát,

OK why so many Polaks in DJT?

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just two
except if you're the third.

It's all actually just one person.


He is the pinnacle of Japanese comedy. Prove me wrong.

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Protip->wash your ass.

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Have a bump

That reminds me of WJP

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I went to Enoshima yesterday and got sunburnt badly

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That's such a terrific post

>going outside.

Absolutely madman.

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I want to go to Enoshima too, but I'm really not comfortable with this state of emergency going on. I went last year and it was a blast.