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International #1232
What's the general consensus on male pregnancy in your country?
T. Mohammed
How big is your State/Province/whatever?
Why can't Americans handle the bants?
Sverigetråden - Bananupplagan
Have you ever cheated on anyone?
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת מנה פלאפל
1. Your country
What can we realistically do about this country?
Well well well well well
The official sausage power ranking:
/world of polska/
Post chad name from your county
Can they understand each other like slavs and latins can?
Grass is looking a little high over there neighbor
Nazi worshiping dance becoming a fad among Japanese girls
Why is this region so overrated?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2386
ITT: Post something in your native language and Americans try to pronounce it
/fr/ - le francofil
Serbia is the richest non-EU country
In yesterdays thread
Your country
Why are white people so fucking cringy
2020s will be the eastern European decade
/Bul + Mac/
Is photography the normiest hobby ever?
International dating CULTURE
Every pretty british actress has brown hair, where are all the blondes?
How do you sleep?
/deutsch/-/fr/ranzösische Ausgabe
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Sverigetråden - cuckskjulupplagan
Why do you call Russian a caveman language?
Sweden votes to pay Somalia’s IMF debt
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/med/ - olive oil general
Country in economic collapse
Why do you hate coreans?
ITT: girls that you want to fuck sex sex sex
I want a gyaru gf, do they still exist in Japan, have you met one Japanese anons?
/ita/ il filo
Do you have a source for your claim? Because I'll only agree with you if some faggot at a college does
Your cunt
The red on our flag signifies all the blood our ancestors spilled for us!
GTA V is free!
The vote in the Bundestag (parliament) on Thursday makes defiling foreign flags equal to the crime of defiling the...
We live in the Asian Female Century. We are lucky
/esp/ - Hilo Español
You wake up in Croydon, South London
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Perfectly balanced
Your cunt
Your country in a sentence
Be me, 170cm 18yo shitskin
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Post the 30th most populous city in your cunt
Do people in your country think highly of light eyes / less of brown eyed people?
Sverigetråden - Incelupplagan
Noooooo I can't just leave people alone...
"hola guapo como estas?"
Wonderful news. I contacted the Izraeli embassy and they told me that I don't have to serve if I Aliyah to Israel...
Do gays find it hot converting straight men to homosexual?
Daily reminder that finland produces the best metal music in the world
The Dutch royal family
Does your language have gendered pronouns?
Painting the map thread
/autistic magyars/ formerly known as /balk/
What is Baden-Württemberg like?
Post your first LEGO set
Best frens
/fr/ - le francofil
Why do Americans unironically want war with China...
Soon there'll be a civil war in this shithole
Ugh, what could have been
Why does Sweden not have the Euro?
Swedish must be the most difficult language in the world
Why does japan make anime characters white?
Do Japanese like black?
Sverigetråden - Förfäderupplagan
Finnish is the hardest language of the world
Ur cunt
Culture Pals /cp/
Why does many people on Zig Forums deny Scots is a langauge?
I left the house
Post the most handsome man coming from your country. has to be a native
British New Zealander and Australian women are built for Big Maori Cock
Do you have commies in your country?
/mena/ + /intcels/
Hilo /lat/ino
Are women evil like this in your country?
Kurva anyátok
/ישר/ - /isr/
Eurofags should feel ashamed that they'll never amount to the USA
Why are american muslims soooooo straight?
/deutsch/ am Morgen
Civilization stealers
Type "Castle of <your town>" in Google and post the result
/ibe/ (/esp/+/pt/+/and/+/gib/+/aut/)
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
The economic history of Argentina is one of the most studied, owing to the "Argentine paradox"...
Seeing a Brahmin woman with a dalitoid/muslim makes me seethe more than anything
I'm starting to think this whole Trump thing wasn't such a good idea after all
/med/ - olive oil general
Jap girls popular in the west now
What's the first boat that you owned, Zig Forums? Do you still have it, or do you have a different boat now?
Tfw you'll never live in a spanish house
Hilo /lat/ino
/balt/+/ausnz/ + allies
Zig Forums couldnt figure this one out, maybe Zig Forums can?
Who's the worst poster on Zig Forums?
/BBC/ BBC General
I want to decorate my room, what should i buy?
Who is more successful, left or right?
/ita/ il filo
What is your country's Mexico?
Why are Chicanos the worst diaspora in history?
Have you ever been victim of racism irl?
How do they manage to have the most culture and best aesthetics in the new world?
/cum/ + /Aztlan/
/lat/ Hilo Latino
How come Brazil has more of a defined identity than the US when they are just as much of a mutt country as we are?
This whole board is unironically an anti-white psyop
Post brutalist architecture from your country
Sverigetråden - sexupplagan
Why does Zig Forums crave cute Japanese girls so much?
Anyone else get a rapey vibes when they're around south asians? I never feel like this when I'm around Whites...
How did colombians become more beautiful than other latin americans?
If the average American can’t name a person from your country it is an irrelevant shithole
*completely ruins society in the short space of 10 years*
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
3 billion females in the world
Why didn't Mexicans thank him for this?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why does everyone want a cute Japanese girl?
Do Americans really?
You're a cunt
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
She confuses Zig Forums because you can't tell if she's white or not
/brit/ - Cyber Command
Ancestery thread? Ancestery thread
Hear mosquitoes near my ear
Post your favourite castle from your cunt
Is this the perfect country?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
What is your favorite US region?
Are your parents retarded?
Why are latinos (both men and women) so flirty and seductive all the time?
/lat/ - hilo latino
Do you love italy?
A girl has likely masturbated thinking about you once
Gotta learn spanish cuz of work
The Rhine is the only true natural border between France and Germany
Why are Americans like this?
This thread is dedicated to the People's Republic of China
Why isn't there any Cuban posters?
God why can't I be born more androgynous
So why are these Central Americans obsessed with black men?
What's you're country's view on spanish qts?
This is a 3rd grade test question in Hawaii. Can you solve it?
I have a big crush on a small youtuber from Serbia
International dating
Spics have never contributed to video ga-
Friendly reminder that based CCP has already won and soon you will all bow down to your communist masters
Have you ever seen a dead body irl outside of funerals?
Mexico has a state named Quintana Roo
All these southerners complaining about +25 or +35
Greek are forever known for being the birthplace of European culture
Who are the best journalists in your country?
/esp/ - hilo español
Your cunt
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2384DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2385
You can choose what country you will be born in
Greetings Zig Forums
/med/ - olive oil general
Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners...
You wake up in Europe, 1000 AD
Socialism wor-
Sverigetrådan - I Minecraft-upplagan
What is your country's military like?
/fr/ - Édition guerre revolutionaire americain
Today princess Eléonore baked cake for the homeless people. Say something nice about her
Zig Forums in 2016
Remember victoria flamel?
Is it hard to learn Russian?
Tfw 165cm
What the F*CK is this?
How do I get a german boyfriend? has anyone of you user had experiences of dating german guys...
/OG/ - Olmec General
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tell me ONE thing that ANY EU country does better than the USA
/ita/ il filo
I heald you were talking shit, gaijin desu
White South Africans: 4.6 Million
/lat/ - hilo latino
Do you think they're the most underrated country in the world? Is it dangerous to have that kind of thinking?
Do Americans
There are too many generals on Zig Forums
I love France and the french people!
Is this true?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - Unge Shermans upplaga
/desi/-SWNL edition
Which one of these countries is the most "Spanish"?
Thank you Germany
Balkan "Races"
Your country
Isn't it amazing how such a large country has absolutely nothing in common with any of its neighbors?
How do we stop China? They're becoming too powerful, especially with this whole virus thing
Alright Zig Forums
Democracy is dying
This little Turkic slut
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Zig Forums Risk
/Ita/ il filo
Be me
Weis wilja gajiukān Rūma! (We will conquer Rome)!
Why is the Swedish and Norwegian camo so shit and outdated?
What are the best tourist places to visit in Russia?
Welcome to Japan
Is it legal for your government to look at your browser history at any time at their leisure without a warrant?
Yes you will purchase the 9789898 Bannerlord addons and continue to watch Turkish soap operas
Tfw algerian, not religious
Hearts of Iron IV
Russians aren't whi-
1. Your country
Third world stories thread
/esp/ - hilo Español
Bem-vindo português
Sverigetråden - Sauronupplagan
1. Your country
Ten most favorable and unfavorable nations among brits
Faces of Zig Forums
Schengen area
Why are they so based?
Why are finns like this?
The most bullied flags on Zig Forums
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Do atheists on Zig Forums enjoy the depression, elevated suicide rates, elevated divorce rates...
This is the best part of europe, it should form its own union
Aside from Britain having extremely strict weapon laws and being densesly populated...
Why do muslim children wear hijabs? is it really considered indecent for little girls to show their hair...
Meds have low birth rates
Why are they always so butthurt?
Marxist tell you that capitalism will collapse soon
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Your country
Are Hungarians really going to make this gypsy their dictator?
/med/ - olive oil general
This is the slum of Korea
Your thoughts on Austria?
Do Americans know that Europeans only view white Americans as actual Americans?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Why are there so many posters from here?????
/lat/ - hilo latino
Wyhte pipul be like, my dog's cancer treatment cost $2500
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
b r lí t
American soldiers to the left and in the back, Russian soldiers are on the right. Why American soldiers are so small...
Sverigetråden hedniskaupplagan
Why are white people like this?
Why does this country trigger russians so much?
I'm a communist
Is Sinophobia a problem in your country?
One (1) singular, unchangeable chance at life
So, this is a shitty version of sardinia?
Risk Thread
"I'll use my credit card."
/dixie/ - Southenr us &éfirends
/esp/ - Hilo Español
What kind of people post in your general?
How important is the penis size in your country? Will females reject you for not having a huge dick?
Largest african populations in europe
Why are wypipo so obsessed with us?
Opressed Kurds please come to our country and fuck and behead our women
American borders
Germany SUCKS!
Why are Chicanos so much taller than Mexicans? I've always noticed this...
The more I learn about the US, the less I get it. The US seems to be so extreme when it comes to certain topics...
Sverigetråden - Vanilla Coke-upplagan
Why are they obsessed with being considered non-arab? It is pathetic
What's your internet speed Zig Forums?
How can east and south east asian eat this?
Do they understand that killing children in gas chambers and making gloves out of human skin is a bad thing...
I can't understand how you can be a white man and still be a virgin. And...
Is life in North Korea really as bad as portrayed by the western media?
Belgians are the strongest race in Europe
Okay brother so can you explain how black holes...
Zig Forumscel level
Kun kesä koittaa taas
/ita/ il filo
Are Latinx Americans prouder of their Spanish heritage or Indigenous American heritage?
1. Your country
Why do yuropoors hate FORESTS?
Does all of India look like this?
Why should I care about the environment when Germans just keep burning coal with no intention to stop in the...
/fr/ - le francofil
I am korean and i hate when people who are not korean or japanese call themself "asian"...
How am I supposed to prepare for the Asian century?
Do the atheists on Zig Forums condone transgenderism, promiscuity, divorce...
/sommer/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do they love Islam
Imagine being an obese hungarian mongoloid who just eats meat and pigfat goulash everyday. Unreal
Female cops are more qualified than men, you're an actual incel if you think otherwise
Is Sweden really doing a good job?
Sverigetråden - Moralbögupplagan
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
No such thing as "central" Europe
Serious Question
Kurva anyátok
Bolsonaro is ded
Indian nationalism
Can someone please explain to me why the hell there isn't way more immigration to Europe from the USA?
ThAt'S RiGhT fRiEnDs TaKe MoRe PiCtUrEs InStEaD oF dOiNg YoUr JoB; sOuNdS LikE tHiS HoAx asS vIruS iS WaY oVeRbLoWn
What does it feel to be blonde, blue eyed, european and cute, in other words...
3rd world thread
How long would your country last against the full military prowess of the USA?
/esp/ - Hilo español
Innocent sleeping people?
Zig Forums is a cuckoldry fetishism board
0,01106% chance to be born as a German
/med/ - olive oil general
Is it true olive oil frying is uncommon outside southern europe
Why so irrelevant
Did Zig Forums change your opinion on some country?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why incels simply don't become monks?
1. Your native language
Tfw one city is bigger than your entire country
I can't put up with no meeting you
Only CHAD countries who havent been invaded and occupied by another country can post here
Have you ever traveled to Japan?
Tfw if we would've been a part of the USSR we would be alot more anti-homo and anti-immigration today
ITT: girls that make you go "i want to fuck sex sex sex"
Why are japs so obsessed with this symbol 卐?
Is there anywhere in the world where Indians are seen in a positive light?
/fr/ - le francofil
I wish I was not an incel :(
Best Australian City?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico + /centralamerica/
Fellow EU chads... we can't let TalibOrban get away with this
Post memes in your language
Don't want to be intrusive but anyway, let's clarify something who is Russian janny...
I am 25 years old
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2384
Why is Vancouver so obsessed with high rises? It looks ugly as fuck
You can instantly get citizenship + stable income from the country of your choosing
Post retarded things about the english language here
Do you have a common last name? I'm Indian from Goa
/v4/ + friends
Why can the jews get their own ethnostate but not gypsies?
You will never be tall
Any koreaboos in?
Is rent really that high in firstsie countries?
Europe needs more kurds. turks are mistreating them
Tell me some funny things to say to this Dominican woman I work with
Is it wrong to be gay?
Are people like this in your country?
In a perfect world
What's the best way to learn Portuguese? Should I just stick to the traditional textbook...
Favorite state?
"We will never forget what Cuba did for us during the Corona crisis"
Dubs decide what career should I study
Wings or boneless?
What Zig Forums commutes with?
What is the worst country on the planet
Does everyone in the world love Japan?
Guess my ethnicity bitches
Your honest opinions on Brazil
Is this your average Chicano?
Sverigetråden - Skuggmosesupplagan
Do you support Korea?
How would you react in this situation Zig Forums?
What's his name in your language?
He cant name 1 slavic celebrity
Tfw no white Italian gf
Do people listen to this terrible racket and pretend like its "high art" in your country?
Hilo Argentino /ARG/
Your countree
Why are white men into Japanese girl?
/lat/ hilo latino
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Everything good about mexico is thanks to spain
What is your country's most famous criminal? and what did they do
Teenage girls are the most retarded subhumans that exist. I bet 99% of the world's problems are caused by them
What do average Portuguese people really think about this?
American "men"
Only celts can post ITT
Zig Forums Zig Forums
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine