ThAt'S RiGhT fRiEnDs TaKe MoRe PiCtUrEs InStEaD oF dOiNg YoUr JoB; sOuNdS LikE tHiS HoAx asS vIruS iS WaY oVeRbLoWn.
ThAt'S RiGhT fRiEnDs TaKe MoRe PiCtUrEs InStEaD oF dOiNg YoUr JoB; sOuNdS LikE tHiS HoAx asS vIruS iS WaY oVeRbLoWn
Angel Cooper
Gavin Ross
Asher Wilson
corona virus blunders by "frontliners" thread?
Chase Wright
David Morgan
JuSt a FlU bRo
Evan Cruz
>He’s not a doctor or a nurse but this janitor is a proud frontliner, working for the Filipino people amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
wow nice the hospitals are overwhelmed.
Andrew Moore
Michael Mitchell
Jack Cruz
Andrew Mitchell
where are the patients?
search frontliners [your country], what's the result?