ThAt'S RiGhT fRiEnDs TaKe MoRe PiCtUrEs InStEaD oF dOiNg YoUr JoB; sOuNdS LikE tHiS HoAx asS vIruS iS WaY oVeRbLoWn

ThAt'S RiGhT fRiEnDs TaKe MoRe PiCtUrEs InStEaD oF dOiNg YoUr JoB; sOuNdS LikE tHiS HoAx asS vIruS iS WaY oVeRbLoWn.

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corona virus blunders by "frontliners" thread?

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JuSt a FlU bRo

>He’s not a doctor or a nurse but this janitor is a proud frontliner, working for the Filipino people amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

wow nice the hospitals are overwhelmed.

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where are the patients?

search frontliners [your country], what's the result?

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