Your cunt

>your cunt
>did they make you learn cursive bullshit that you've never used since in school?

Attached: 82887530_121162132747503_5738127531011236157_n[1].jpg (700x415, 76.65K)

writing cursive is much faster

>that you've never used since in school?
You don't write by hand?

Yes and If it's me doing IT it'll Look kike doctors writing

I have never heard of people learning to write in cursive in school

Americans don't write anymore?

Rarely. The part that irks me most is that we had to use it for everything up until high school, where then the teachers decided they didn't want to waste their time reading shit handwriting in squiggle script and I've only used it for my signature since.

Attached: John_Hancock_Envelope_Signature[1].jpg (769x374, 65.97K)

>amerimutt is 2 retarded to write in cursive
why am i not surprised

I stopped using it for my signature, shit is gay and retarded.

I used to write in cursive all the time. Still do occasionally.