Is it true olive oil frying is uncommon outside southern europe

is it true olive oil frying is uncommon outside southern europe
ive heard in anglo countries they use butter (yuck)

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it's called pan-frying
I do it all the time, and so do most people

Olive oil is expensive so we use rape

Theres nothing better than the scent of fried garlic in olive oil

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Eugh. At least use Canole oil like a human being.

Did somebody say rape?

Coconut oil master race reporting

why the fuck would you fry with olive oil? it has a lower smoking point than butter

I hate cooking with garlic. If I get it on my hands when chopping they smell like it for days at a time.

I almost exclusively use olive oil when I cook. It just tastes so good.
Any time I cook in a pan I like to use it. Who the FUCK would use butter? Butter is meant to be seen as an ingredient for flavor, not as an oil. I like to make butter garlic sauce for chicken and stuff

We do both, deep fried for fish and chips, pan fry for home cooking and restaurants

We use both here depending on the household and what you want to do

Unlike butter or normal oil, olive oil only works at low temperatures

You fry with butter? What the fuck

frying with butter has been the norm in america for decades. why are you surprised?

frying in butter smells better than frying in olive oil desu

Where though? In the South?
Use canola or peanut oil or something. Pure butter? What the fuck, I'm seriously getting sick just thinking about it

Stuff fried in butter is delicious. You're an actual idiot if you ignore its potential, imagining mushrooms fried in oil, yuck

He's a med so being retarded is a given.

>Olive oil is expensive so we use rape
Nobody think this way and nobody do this you fucking idiot

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butter has a higher smoking point than plant oils
it's just saturated fat. which is also in meat. are you a soiboi or something

olive oil tastes like shit
no wonder why your food sucks so much

Attached: Screenshot_2020-05-14 Butter - Wikipedia.png (942x386, 26.69K)

We use both around here. Olive oil can be very expensive sometimes for the average household from this cunt

>clogging your arteries to trigger the libs!

Olive oil is very common here. But so are sunflower oil, peanut oil and butter. I would say most people either use olive oil or those weird liquid butter things.
Nice larp, unless you overheat your olive oil it shouldn't produce much of a scent went compared to garlic. Frying garlic in most other oils smells the same, namely of garlic

i use every type of of fat based product for frying: butter , olive oil, seed oil depend on the recipe desu

You literally have no idea what youre talking about

He's confused by your choice of wording.
You're right he's wrong.

Ridiculous image plenty of deep fried stuff in the Med and I know you don't use olive oil for that

Ever cooked before? Oils shouldn't produce a heavy scent otherwise you're overheating them

Ben je kanker dom amice, hij praat over de geur van KNOFLOOK niet de olie stomme kalle.

Very reddit picture
And we use vegetable oil, not butter

>use oil
>pan a little too hot
>insta burn food

>use butter
>pan hotter than hell
>no burn

also apparently the mafia makes more from selling olive oil than dope

Imagine being so retarded you can only get your point across in Dutch lmao

>plenty of deep fried stuff in the Med
like what? never seen any in my life
we either use sunflower oil or olive oil

Sunflower oil is the to go oil for deep frying
Alsof ik weer terug ben in 2018. Kankersukkeltje leer koken

Are you dumb? Deep frying is when a food is submerged in the oil

If you're not able to comprehend what others have written in English, I'm not even going to bother.