Wonderful news. I contacted the Izraeli embassy and they told me that I don't have to serve if I Aliyah to Israel...

Wonderful news. I contacted the Izraeli embassy and they told me that I don't have to serve if I Aliyah to Israel. Soon I will apply for citizenship.

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Can I just pretend to be jewish? I'll say that all my grandparents died in Auschwitz

Me too, can we?

Would be a downgrade from Norway.

> they told me that I don't have to serve if I Aliyah to Israel
How do you know they are not lying?

That's illegal.

Welcome to Israel fellow Jew, but why did you leave your Chad nation?

why ?

Hello and thank you for coming. Please remember:
1. Bring your sister
2. Don't vote for Bibi
3. Fuck the ultrakikes

Enjoy your stay

Don't forget : Stay away from Arsim

You have to show them papers that show your matrilineal descent is jewish.

Passport where it says "jewish" in the ethnicity graph

>mfw more Jewish fembois
remember to take HRT, once we sign the peace deal I'll fugg as much Jewish fembois as I can

>Can I just pretend to be Norwegian? I'll say that all my grandparents died in a quest for oil.

Based retard. Let's all pretend to be a nationality to get a passport.

israel is so fucking tiny it's smaller than crimea but still it contains almost 9mil of jews despite being almost desert, that amazes me. how tight is it feels to live there and why are you accepting newcomers?

i looked into conversion but its fucking hard and alot of work actually :

9 million isn’t that large considering their size. Some cities have more people than that

jew isn't a race though? but apparently it is and it depends on whether your mum was one??? this jew shit is really confusing, none of these fags even believe in g*d yet apparently they all descended from abraham

Wow user respect, you actually want to become Jewish? That is based but beware cutting off part of your dick is not fun when you are not 8 days old

cities are not self-sustained fatty

why you haff to be mad?

Are there any benefits having an israeli citizenship unless you're from a poor country?
t. jew

>adult circumcision
penis inspection day takes on a whole new meaning

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we're not that dense, half of our country is completely empty. everyone is concentrated in the center

he lives in Ukraine, that country is made to piss you off

Why would it piss me off? I’m not a slav

i just finished my power workout it makes me aggressive

>9mil jews
it's a wonder anybody can make money there!

mossad will not kill you

nice, I hope you had a good workout

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not really, it's only useful if you want to live here

sure thing

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I'd be fucked anyway since i don't speak hebrew lmao

depends on why you'd want to live here. if you move to have a comfy tech live in tel aviv you wouldn't need hebrew

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can you make the Negev inhabitable with afforestation?

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yes, it's gonna take a while though since we still have plenty of land up north

What are we gonna do with the Beduim there?

kill em