How important is the penis size in your country? Will females reject you for not having a huge dick?
How important is the penis size in your country? Will females reject you for not having a huge dick?
idk I've never had sex
As long as you don't have a micropenis it's fine, if you got her to willingly look at your dick she's not going to back down because it's 13cm instead of 21.
>idk I've never had sex
My girlfriends have big dildos, I don't think they necessarily expect big dicks.
I used to think micropenises weren't real.
How do people cope with having such a small dick you can't even grab it?
i think smaller than average dicks can be cute :) depends on the guy though
People have to cope with all kinds of shit all the time. Almost all men with micropenises will probably end up lonely celibates but there are plenty of men with normal sized penises that can't find a partner either.
Mu dad had a small penis and had 3 sons from different mothers so probably not.
I hope women don't mind my average asian sized penis, I just want them to step on it with bare feet.