Fellow EU chads... we can't let TalibOrban get away with this

Fellow EU chads... we can't let TalibOrban get away with this..

Attached: 20200514_063358.jpg (1079x231, 123.61K)

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is the headline out of context? not going to bother fact checking reddit
restricting sedition is not based but hungary is based

No you can't faggot.
You literally can't.
If Europe lets this shit in Serbia, Hungary and Montenegro slide it's signing it's death warrant.

100% chance the heading is misleading in some way

drumpftard alert

Hungary passed a law against spreading misinformation about coronavirus: theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/30/hungary-jail-for-coronavirus-misinformation-viktor-orban
Some dude posted on facebook that the current plan to lift curfew would cause mass infections
Government decided that violated the law and had police interrogate him

literally CCP or USSR tier


Why do you have to criticize the government in public anyway?
Just go and vote. And if your elections are not democratic and voting doesn't work, then public criticism of the government won't work either.

not quite that based yet but getting there