Fellow EU chads... we can't let TalibOrban get away with this..
Fellow EU chads... we can't let TalibOrban get away with this
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is the headline out of context? not going to bother fact checking reddit
restricting sedition is not based but hungary is based
No you can't faggot.
You literally can't.
If Europe lets this shit in Serbia, Hungary and Montenegro slide it's signing it's death warrant.
100% chance the heading is misleading in some way
drumpftard alert
Hungary passed a law against spreading misinformation about coronavirus: theguardian.com
Some dude posted on facebook that the current plan to lift curfew would cause mass infections
Government decided that violated the law and had police interrogate him
literally CCP or USSR tier
Why do you have to criticize the government in public anyway?
Just go and vote. And if your elections are not democratic and voting doesn't work, then public criticism of the government won't work either.
not quite that based yet but getting there
It's the same with Turkey, low IQ retards working and living in the West are overwhelmingly voting for rightwing nationalists.
>just shut up and remember you can't affect anything
Bootlicker mindset.
It's not what I was implying, but well... you might be right.
its not, 2 boomers were arrested for saying pretty mild shit, wouldnt even call it criticism, more like worry, fidesz commies snitched them and cops arrived, took their shit, took them to police station then released them, same shit we had during communism
i invented the term talibOrban
please spreads its use in hungary
damn bro uve got an issue down there
Why do euroids obsess over drumpf being a nazi when shit like this is happening in their own Union?
>Bootlicker mindset.
Well, then go and get arrested and be forgotten in a week. I don't give a single shit about you.
Some Zig Forumsnigger will just call him based for fighting globalism and it won't matter
etf'ler RUHEEE
Public dissent would be possible in theory, that's why the same nationalists are spinning the narrative that objectively better working societies like Austria are overrun or controlled by muslims/trannies/progressives. Retards buy into what essentially is cope while they spend most of their time working here or in Germany.
>that's why the same nationalists are spinning the narrative that objectively better working societies like Austria are overrun or controlled by muslims/trannies/progressives.
I don't think nationalists have a hard time convincing anyone, when we glorify bearded HIV-positive women in all media. They merely have to translate German into Turkish and there you have it, no propaganda needed. It's our own fault.
>we can't let TalibOrban get away with this..
this but unironically
>please get arrested for speaking your mind
More bootlicker mindset
>Nooo this capitalist neocon shithole is just like the Soviet Uniooooonnnn
>Zig Forumstards worshiping authoritarianism
Amazing how things change in so little time.
If some bearded trannies on TV manage to change your mind in any way then you're mentally weak and never would've made it anyway.
If you think some bearded trannies on TV makes life in Austria less bearable than life in Hungary feel free to treat yourself with that sweet outdoor plumbing, 60 hour week and commie blocks.
>Zig Forumstards worshiping authoritarianism
They always did. They're bootlicker central.
At least he doesn't have death camps.
Sometimes it doesn't matter what your government is. If your country is the equivalent of a cancer patient in a wheel chair, then that's what it is.
Piss off nazi I can criticise whom I please and face NO consequences at all, whilst in your shithole people get jailed for hate speech lmao.
lol they alwys did, now they are just tired of playing the "we just want freedoms! guns and niggerbashing!" front
>polish death camps
Just kill yourself but don't project your shitty depression on a whole country. If anything, YOU are the cancer growth.