>The economic history of Argentina is one of the most studied, owing to the "Argentine paradox", its unique condition as a country that had achieved advanced development in the early 20th century but experienced a reversal, which inspired an enormous wealth of literature and diverse analysis on the causes of this decline.
what went wrong?
The economic history of Argentina is one of the most studied, owing to the "Argentine paradox"...
>What went wrong?
Caribbean and Paraguayan immigration.
Uruguayan influence
They didn't reverse, they just didn't grow and standards for what first world are changed.
Even then the country wasn't actually complete shit until 2001.
>it was only in 1987 that Spain became richer than Argentina
jesus fuck
Argentina was literally on par with the US at the turn of the 18th century
it almost seem like alt history, how did they fuck it up so badly
By the 70's Argentina was already doomed tho
Too many wh*tes
Venezuela was almost first world too but later they turned into turbo commies and we all now the end.
Perón was a mistake
the more i look at Argentina's politics, the more similar Peronism and the spanish workers party seem
yeah back when my father was young he would go to work with his uncle in venezuela and get paid 4 times the normal salaries in Spain
Even Cuba was a rich country in a moment, Costa Rica too...now is the turn of Chile, U are Gay and Panama
so much wasted potential
i wish latinamerica was an economic powerhouse...