a healthy, well-balanced lunch edition
Reminder that equality is bad
are face masks worth it?
mid 2000s internet atheist power hours
me in the purple shirt
isnt thunderf00t Aussie
Would a /brit/ lad please do me the honour of filling my hungry hole with your meat
Use face coverings user. Using masks means you're basically stealing them from the brave NHS key workers
strong vibes on this one
yankee doodle came to /brit/
trying to be OP
stuck mcdonalds in his post
and called it basederoony
did the gay-posting finally drive mikey away? what a pussy.
The amount of people I've seen slagging off this man.
This man has been given the hardest tasks a British prime minister has seen since Churchill.
He's had nothing but shit over Brexit.
Actually had coronavirus himself and came straight back to work and given away over £12 billion and somehow will have to find a way to put it back.
Also had a baby and has NOT BEEN ABLE TO TAKE PATERNITY LEAVE like everyone else and not 1 THANKYOU for being a keyworker.
In my entire lifetime I've NEVER seen a prime minister care about our country as much as this man and fly the flag for British culture the way that he does.
Everyone moaning, go do his job for a few weeks and see how we get on.
Big up Boris every time
but smaller people (children, manlets and women) dont deserve equity
gypsies tramps and thieves
Still think about the extremely cute student nurse I saw a couple of times before she ghosted me
Makes me sad lads
moot was a little anime dweeb. at best he was like a 2006-2008 era user (long cat, over 9000, boxxy)
all this wojak smugpepe virgin chad stuff would be completely alien to him
The fact that McDonalds breakfast is considered edible is peak corporate brainwashing
Worse than prison food
lads lads hahah alri?
boris is just a slightly less incompetent version of trump/bolsonaro
actually dont know how to do a push up properly. see so many techniques online and i dont which one is the right way. ive started doing diamond pushups because theres only one way of doing those really. dont even know if theyre any good.
what do brits think of him
based song tho
wish i was a yank if i'm to be completely honest with all you good folks
where did you copy this drivel from?
meme graveyard; pools closed, duckroll, im firing my lazar etc etc was heaps funny when i was 14
no just dont touch your face
he probably doesn't even lurk any more because Zig Forums is so bad
don't ever let me catch you slandering the sausage egg and cheese mcgriddle
send him a cheeky tweet saying thanks mate
Facebook but believe in it and believe in Boris
always been the weak link in the family. not surprised hes forsaken his millennia-spanning dynasty for some mediocre yank gash.
ultimately i dont care though because having a royal family in 2020 is a bit weird.
fit wife
don't like posh people or military men
Military pushups are the ones you need.
Hands under your shoulders, no more than 12 inches apart, elbows should be tucked in touching the side of your body. Then simply go down until you are parallel with the floor and your upper arm is too, then push up.
>all this wojak smugpepe virgin chad stuff would be completely alien to him
No it wouldn't. Even deanos know about this
>Facebook but believe in it and believe in Boris
boris is only interested in his legacy lad.
he spent february holed up in the countryside sorting out his divorce.
well he made friends with the gamergate journalists back in 2014 and decided Zig Forums was too controversial a website for him to own for him as a progressive
Can't stand McDonalds but I don't know how anybody could be opposed to breakfast.
A sausage and egg mcmuffin (no cheese) or sausage and pancake (no syrup) with a Tropicana is tasty as.
Daft bastard. they worked so hard to rehabilitate him as an adult; decade in the army, Invictus Games, etc. And he throws it all away because he wants to live a "normal" life.
when you're outside? no
when you're in public transports or in confined places? yes probably. id suggest you use one the next couple of months
>(no cheese
J.K. Rowling, thinking of a name of white character: Albus Dumbeldore, Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall
J.K. Rowling, thinking of nonwhite character: Cho Chang
He deserved the break for the work he's done but he's always for our country at heart
Love the melody in this song, is it a pan flute or something?
dont care about any of the royals regardless of what they do or think.
need a republic asap
do you guys have mcgriddles across the pond? shit is delightful
gamergate is one of those things that makes me feel embarrassed to frequent this site tbqh
Honestly don't really get why people love cheese on these things.
>Yes, please melt a piece of near plastic chemicals over my breakfast thank you.
Not sure, I don't think so unless it has a different name. I've just googled it but I'm not sure what that bread is?
cheers lad. been thinking of getting some of those pull up door-frame bars and those resistance band things to do some home-work outs. good idea?
for me its the association with racism and shootings wehich make me never bring this up in my circle of quite normal friends
both sides were gooses mate
was just a symptom of the polarisation between the american left and turning-right that was exacerbated in the years that followed
not sure why youre focusing on the cheese when the whole meal is complete shite
they're basically sweet, bun-sized pancakes
Why are Henry and Rachel (aka Harry and Meghan) living in LA, I thought they were moving to Canada?
just tried to do some pushups because of all the talk
got to 5 and didnt feel tired so reckon i could do 100 easy
i dont think so
didnt he just put a border between the irish sea ? in effect disuniting our country?
didnt he just deny that hed done that and then just admitted it mid pandemic to play it down?
he's a man with a singular goal of retaining power by whatever means necessary.
Why do you think? Meghan has him by the scruff of his ginger non-existent bollocks
I also am looking into resistance bands but have been put off them because of varying reviews from 'they're amazing' to 'they're really bad' and also apparently it's hard to find good quality ones that don't snap.
Door frame bar is a definite though I think.
Honestly I agree most McDonalds is rubbish but can't go wrong with some of their breakfast options if you fancy something a bit grim and nasty and you're hungry.
Ah man we don't have those, would be interested in trying but what is it with everything being so sweet? I want my muffin to just taste like a muffin desu.
That said I really wanna try scones(biscuits) with my Mcdonalds just to see how weird it tastes.
whoooooo caaaaaaaares
Nah we don't
the word you're looking for is geese
and yeah the intense detachment some in the left especially hae from actual real world issues is partially what led them to being conned by the right who are frankly quite evil i think. when leftists are talking about shit like genderqueer etc its so detached from the working mans struggles (i can't ever afford to buy my own home, i can barely support my family, i will not enjoy the same luxury past generations have before me, my job is precarious) that the working man simply assumes that they do not care bout these issues at all
Almost exactly the same thing happened to me, this leggy Eastern European nursing student who does Instagram modelling now I think. Never stood a chance in hell lol but at least she agreed to a second date
What he's doing he's doing for the British because he's a patriot
Know leftypol can't understand being proud to be British
>The Australian Workers’ Union has written a letter of support to the PM, saying he must stand firm against the Chinese government.
very true and why Trump, a Billionaire managed to connect with the working class voter in the US and the identity-politics of the Democrats didn't
China have really fucked this one.
I'd go to hers, we'd watch TV, get a takeaway or I'd cook
Last time I saw her we cuddles and kisses but then after that she ghosted me
Hurt quite a bit because it was just before Christmas and I bought her a few little things
>need a republic asap
Its over for the yellow man.
all happening mate
all bloody happening
guy in blue is 6ft and guy in purple is 5'11 I believe
daily reminder that life is temporary
If the left just cut that shit out and made actual material problems their main focus they'd sweep the board. I'm not really conspiracy minded but how much they fuck themselves by over focusing on idpol makes me think there's something going on to sabotage them, they can't all be that stupid.
fat woman with fat chebs
no thanks
nah, i reckon i'll never die
Mental how I took for granted the ability to just go toa nice caf in the morning and get a Full English with a nice OJ and a green tea and start my day that way.
Or if I wanted I could go meet my mates for a pint and a burger. Now it's going to be years before we can do that without bizarre rules in place.
too fucking fat
wouldnt she get brushed out of the royal family when charles tightens it up to heirs and their spouses?
>He deserved the break for the work he's done but he's always for our country at heart
wow fuckin 'ell, you're serious aren't you?
funny int it
Would love to kick her as hard as I could in the head
alright you bloody niggles
Fat women always believe their biggest selling point is their big tits, but once the bra is off it's always a mess of saggy fat and very little tit. Very unpleasant.
You don't seem to have any arguments you're just attacking me
Really makes you think
first poo of the day: complete
OOOOOOOOOOOOOO yer arddddddddddd
She's William's spare and if George actually comes out as gay ( as we expect him to), she's very likely to be our future Sovereign).
It's Harry's little mutt and Andrew's pair of retards who will be shut out.
kicking women in the head is cruel
Love how they swapped the words around. Sends me bananas
You coomers and your titty webm's need to try a little self denial
sucking a sour apple nigger
It's all a big nothingburger
don't know what that means