Tfw foreigners have to waste precious brain space by learning multiple languages

>tfw foreigners have to waste precious brain space by learning multiple languages
>the native english speaking monolingual chad has all the spare room for worthwhile knowledge

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>the native english speaking monolingual chad has all the spare room for worthwhile knowledge
Maybe they should use this spare room for learning a second language instead of watching BBC porn then.

your brain has limited space lol

>german talking about porn preferences
go watch some skat you sick bastard

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>precious brain space

Imagine being 1 IQ and only knowing one language

Mutt's law

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you qatar be kidding me

Thanks to knowing english I was able to utilise resources made in english to study and now fluently speak japanese. Much appreciated basil!

japanese is the biggest waste of brain space of all
you must be a complete brainlet in all other areas

Imagine learning a language so you can watch children's cartoons that are all translated into English anyway

why are anglos so excruciatingly bad at learning languages. I't can't be coincidence. Dutch is similar to english but the dutch can easily learn other languages

I heard that the maximum memory capacity of the brain could be enough to record the equivalent of 500~ years of video footage straight.

If that's true then how much could a single person learn in their entire lives? What if we kept learning new things every minute up until the day we die? We have no days were we can just sperg on imagine-boards, just pure learning. Just how much could we acquire all of human knowledge naturally? (if we can even live long enough that is, probably not)

Still though, what if you weren't limited to using just one, but multiple languages, that way you could acquire/understand anything you wanted, anything you wished, or even something you've never even dreamed about.

If we really hold brains that powerful and allowed ourselves to get exposed to everything we could easily store a fair chunk of the earth's knowledge inside our little tiny heads.

It's a weird thought, but for some reason it keeps me pretty motivated to study something new - the fact that it will truly never fade away.

Too bad I spend it on porn 50% of the time but still... still...

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There's little to know pull to do it. Unless you want to move to a country Long term, not as an expat because then it'll be in English anyway. Or something like Chinese to negotiate with chink businessmen.
But even then, they come to us. Everyone has some guy that speaks English.


also, it might be kinda useless if youre not in a 3rd world.

it's not that we're bad but we have no incentive to bother
really not that hard to understand

Foreigncucks talk shit about us not learning other languages but in reality they're just jealous. "Hurr Durr there's people that are bilingual and then there's Americans hurr Durr" pure 100% cope

worthwhile knowledge like what? soyjack threads on Zig Forums?

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okay pvt sanchez

imagine being some irrelevant dunecoon or jungle cokemonkey and getting languagecucked by a small island a million miles away, people who barely came into contact with your ancestors 1000 years ago, if at all
I would be so embarrassed

the "dunecoons" are gonna buy out your country in the next couple of years. How does it feel?


How is it a cope

the moment it's not ours, it's worthless

and your language will die within this century

Keep telling yourself that

you qatar be joking

telling myself what?
are you talking about camel riders buying property?

>attempt to learn a new language
>native speakers start telling me that they like to arbitrarily assign genders to every possible object
>lose interest

it truly boggles the mind, foreigners are mentally ill
>foreign niggas finna be like yo this table is a male

the British Broadcasting Corporation airs porn?

For both.