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International #1233
Sverigetråden - Tegnellianska upplagan
I don't mind the yellow fever, but why didn't he settle for a better looking women?
/fr/ - le francofil
Kurva anyátok
Is joking allowed in your country?
Do women live in easymode on your country?
Go to Germany for vacation
Why aren't these countries having sex?
Why are there no holidays in Britain?
Algerian Muslimas partying in France. Notice anything?
If the viking were so tough why are their descendants so sissy?
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
/cum/ + /centralamerica/
1. Evropa
Why is china so developed?
What's stopping them from killing each other?
What does a Japanese pussy taste like?
Is tap water safe to drink in your country?
Worst posters on int, per me:
I spended today in watching Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - Axel Tufvessons upplaga
Post germans
My Parisienne gf
/fr/ - Le Francofil Français
/mena/ + /diaspoop/ + /intcels/
Israel just executed its Chinese ambassador
How do you write the number one?
/Mex/ + /Chi/
/desi/ BVDDHAM and SVFI Thread
Why Kimski is like this?
International hand signs
This Japanese woman triggers a bunch of white women
/ISR/ - /ישר/ - /اسر/
BWC is the most powerful weapon in the world
Primer hilo /esp/ del año
Damn, white women are fucking assholes
Korean girl before surgery
You got 10 seconds to explain why you haven't moved to Brazil yet
/med/ - Strait of Gibraltar edition
I want to die. There's no reason to make an effort if you're bald. No matter how hard you work...
Mfw a polisher says "...us whites..."
Japanese girls seem so wholesome and humbled. Are they actually this way?
Soyboy from Asia
Thoughts on this?
/cum/ + /ausnz/
Did you get served bland food as a kid
Tfw xi doesn't answer your calls
Gran Colombia would have the world's 14th largest economy behind South Korea and the 12th largest population behind...
You can make one South American country into 1st world (Switzerland tier)...
When did you start growing out of being racist?
How would you keep the Afrikaans language alive?
What was the last war your cunt fought?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2388
What are the most common misconceptions about your country
Based Retard
If American cuisine is so bad, why does everyone eat it?
What phenotype is this
What's the manliest country?
/cum/ + /ausnz/
When your kids ask you how America lost to China, what will you tell them?
What's our opinion on this country?
Top 3 boards
Top 30 Dangerous Computer Viruses
Why do most languages seem to not distinguish on, in, at?
Your country
/mex/ - hilo mexicano dividido por una frontera y un limpiabaños
Why do gaijin say nigga everytime ?
Population of 1.4 Billion people
Can Japan and Korea ever become frens?
Wtf I thought muslim men were supposed to be masculine
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Ancestry thread. I wasted so much money on this shit
How does your English skill compare to that of the average person from your cunt?
Just facts
Have you thanked Japan lately for creating modern culture?
The Afghan diaspora vs the atheist Jordanian
How do atheists not fall into deep depressions? If you truly think life is a meaningless, random occurence...
What are Japanese people like?
What is the appeal of "football" culture in america? I don't understand it...
163 IQ
I don't get it
How will whitoids ever recover?
Post your hand to prove your whiteness
Most common inter-racial couple in ur cunt?
Ur cunt
Has a foreigner ever lectured you on your own culture?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Department of sex
In one post show me the state of your county
Sverigetråden - Nu ska jag sova-upplagan
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What's your opinion on Oklahoma?
You can only post ITT if your country has been NUMBAH ONE at some point in history
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Question to all immigrants to the USA: Why did you move to the USA, instead of to a European country?
/ita/ - il Filo
Why do big Russian cities seem so weird?
I haven't left the house for three months. Does this happen to you?
Traditional girls
Faces of Zig Forums
Which country do Argentinians see as more of a rival: Uruguay or Brazil?
/mena/ + /incels/
Name one (1) relevant invention from the last 500 years that wasn't done by a caucasian
Is China's space program any good?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Have you ever seen a refugee irl?
Average German boy
How come non-anglos aren't smart
Your cunt
Brazilians want to eat this
What is wrong with humans? There is literally a garbage island just floating out in the ocean
Do you know someone who has been killed???
Why is eastern europe such an intellectual deadweight?
/fr/ - le fil français
Your cunt
Hilo /esp/añol
Do you chew gum?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Fiends
Why are Brazillian hot dogs so extra with everything?
Is there any worldwide famous Serbian?
Sverigetråden - Johnupplagan
Latinos have italian passports, meaning they can live literally anywhere in the EU
Become a pilot
Tell me about Canada. Why does he wear the leaf?
How we solve this?
Why do muttlings even come here? dont they have their own containment board Zig Forums?
Eurovision thread 2
Did you know in Hindu mythology, there is a race of people called the Chinas (चीन)...
I suffer in Africa
Japanese people are living demigods and Japan is the closest thing to an utopia on the Earth...
A Question for Native Spanish Speakers
/deutsch/ Samstagabend
/brit/ - mods should increase bump limit
Zig Forums Movie Night
Why are Koreans illiterate?
/lat/ hilo latino
/eng/ + /cymru/ + /alba/
Is this the biggest clown in the universe?
Eurovision thread
Sverigetråden - Andra Konstupplagan
/desi/-Daals get out
What are the best things about living in Russia?
Does your country have one of these?
Your country
What have you learned from this board?
What was school like in your country?
/med/ - olive oil general
/cum/ Canada USA Montenegro
Are there any Hollywood/American movies that are irrationally popular in your country...
THIS will happen in my lifetime!
Hilo /esp/añol
You are now the dictator of your country, the absolute ruler, the supreme leader, what do you do?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Are we watching this? A special 2020 show begins in 30 bings
Do all Slovenes talk the way he does?
Growing up in a commieblock neighborhood was top comfy
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le francofil du cinekop1
The "incel" concept doesn not exist in brazil
The Falun Gong is a sect and it should be banned
Post foodnfrom ur countru
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת הבומרים
This girl mocks you
It's the middle of May. Why is it so goddamn cold?
Post war monuments from your town or city
Which one you'd choose?
What does Zig Forums think of my homeland Northern Ireland?
America.......my home
Name one immigrant group you like and wish was more numerous in your country
Faces of Zig Forums
Do poles ever get tired of slurping mutt dick?
Sverigetråden - konstupplagan
80 years of peace in Europe and North America
/MEX/ - El thread mexicano
Largest African populations in Europe
I love but you hate me
Oh no no no how will zhang recover AHHHAHA
1. Your cunt
Your Cunt? Will you lose your job to robots?
/pryd/ aka /brit/
Comfiest places to be born at
Imagine if Islam never happened
Denmark's highest point is 170.89 metres
Is it over for asian men?
Hilillo /esp/anyol
A) your country
This is soul. BLACKED is soulless, contrived, and forced. Cope Jamal, cope Zhang...
Omg do you support China? Y-you know they're communist. right?
Want to play hangman again?
Wow thank you Belgium really cool. Don't care when people say Belgium is irrelevant and non country...
Your cunt
*produces literally nothing*
Your cunt?
Post art from your country
Is it true that black women prefer gingers?
Why are Germans Technologically backwards? I thought they were pretty advanced...
What happens here?
Guns of Zig Forums
Your country?
Be honest. Are you a lardass?
How hard is making friends in Europe if you don’t drink. Not including muslims
Brazilian food
/fr/ - le francofil
Hvem bryr seg utgaven
Nuclear power plants are "bad for the environment"
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What do people and in particular women think of BALD men in your country...
It sucks being Eastern European...
Why are americans so good at music?
1. Your country
/lang/ - Language Learning General
How do you say this in your language, Zig Forums?
Is it true all attractive people in Finland are Swedish/Fennoswede and all ugly people are East Baltid/Siberian?
Sverigetråden - Glassupplagan
Serigetråden - Föråldrad SVHOupplagan
1. cuntree
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
How do I find a kraut gf? I'm French
Do you have to pay your parents rent in your country?
Nationalism is retarded. Take a look at this language and tell me this is a "nation"
/ita/ il filo
In your country...
I want to live in the EU
Serbs are the tallest in Europe
Right now all travel into Europe for non-Europeans is banned. I really like this idea...
Me and my sister in the early 2000's
How do older women dress in your country?
My homeland, Israel and our great tmp
Phonetic Non-Austistic Polish spelling. What do you think? Can you read it?
/desi/-Rahul Gandhi for PM edition
Why did the Dutch do this?
Name a more disruptive force on this planet
Are there taboo subjects in your country?
Do you want to find love in Pakistan ?
What are some decent music festivals from your cunt?
I'm voting to Falange in the next elections
Why are Italian men this based?
Ask an Orthodox Christian convert anything
Talk to an american online
Should marijuana remain illegal?
Slovenia is overrated
If you look like this, you can pass for a local almost anywhere
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Beror på slumpenupplagan
Immigration to Germany
How many of these did Finns actually buy?
Why the fuck are they orange? and what the fuck is a holland?
What the fuck is their problem?
Why have they never gotten into basketball?
Zig Forumsernational dating
Why does everyone here hate Scotland?
Ååå guuuuu jeg må DAAAANSE til fransk elektroonika
Do you have any pets?
She loves someone else that I INTRODUCED HER TOO
What kind of self-hating are there in your regions/continents? In Latin America there are two kind of selfhating...
Are transgenders considered real women in your country?
Why do they cheat so much?
Why do these people larp as finno-ugrics? Aren't they ancient exiles from India?
Do Americans really?
Finnish summer cabins
Why are Euros so fucking gay?
Do people in your country know Topo Gigio?
Americans be like
What's the most reddit country?
/fr/ - francofil francophone
Anybody on here ever experience a communist state?
How is sex work viewed in your country?
What do Australians think about this man?
Do Americans really?
Remind me why this is bad
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת תוכנית החלל של ישר
Has an IRL foreigner ever impressed you with their knowledge of your local area?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
The true Enemies of Europe
I live in a 200k inhabitant city but sometimes I think the best size is half that, around 90-100 thousands people
How cucked is Europe with the nothingburger virus...
Trips decides what I should fap to
Do you love Tokyo salarywoman?
My Dutch cousin wants to do a solo backpacking trip across Mexico and Central America once corona ends...
Flipland is under the longest lockdown in the world, an actual lockdown. Things have become very curious...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2387
The cringebelt
What's your cuisine like?
Mommy and Daddy of Europe
/mena/ + /incels/
/desi/-Cuckwaz Khan btfo
Heard any news from the other provinces?
It's never coming back is it bros
CK2 boiled sexuality down to heterosexual and homosexual, but the sequel adds bisexual and asexual characters...
I Criticized My University’s Ties to the Chinese Government. Now I Face Expulsion
There's NORWAY I'm going to FINNISH this DANISH if you don't SWEDEN it with SAMI sugar first
We are all Rhodesians; our governments betrayed us
/med/ - olive oil general
Why do you hate being called "gaijin"
This gentleman is extremely based
Do I look good after plastic surgery?
/cum/ + /ausnz/
Tfw always see toothless wh*te bogan drug addicts who can't spell and dropped out of high school with girlfriends...
Hilo /lat/ANO
Why do Mexicans always call the fat kid "gordo"? Why are they so cruel?
/v4/ + friends
Sverigetråden - vår drottning uppplagan
Does this man speak English at all?
ITT: We apologise to countries
He cant last 4 days into ramadan
Post your town city flag
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Mexico is black country
What the world will look like in 1 million years
Name an uglier country
Do you have nonwhite white nationalist politicians in your cunt?
How long will it be before Brazil becomes infested with Spanish speaking immigrants like the US?
Favorite state?
ITT: We thank countries for their products
Hilo pro-ciudad
Is India really as smelly and unhygenic as people say?
Americans complain because they get hardworking catholic latinos for immigrants
How people view virgins in your country? In Brazil most people can't get virginity is real, they think you are gay
/cum/ + /ausnz/
Live by the burger, die by the burger
No words
Whenever you're having a bad day, remember that at least you weren't born in Haiti
This is what a Japanese hapa looks like. Say something nice about him
This world wouold be so much fucking better if I were the Supreme God Emperor, I swear
Do they even have a cuisine? Name one Australian dish
"hola guapo como estas?"
Oooo yes mamasita i love that culo ayayaya si que rico sabe
Do you love England?
At what point did you go from loving America to hating it?
Would your ancestors be ashamed of you if they knew you?
Novo fiho /esp/anhol
/ita/ - il filo
/lat/ hilo latino
/celt/. Mumain Edition #2
Why do japs have such bad teeth?
Wtf Germany? I thought the flag worship meme was for the USA, what's up with this bs?
Tfw 1400 mm of rainfall a year
When did the British monarchy lose power? Was it after Victoria?
Do Europeans consider the USA to be a first world country?
There is nothing more pathetic than a Christian from West Asia
What books are you reading? what books are you planning to read?
Why are latinas so much more sexual than the other races of womankind? Is it a certain gene?
Why are they like this?
Post your room
Commit massacre in netherlands
Live on a small grey rainy depressing island
/nachtschicht/ - ehemals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Anarkismupplagan
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Are you a nice person irl?
/anglaland/ aka /brit/
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Be Swedish
/mena/ + /intcels/
Start dressing alternative/Hot Topic, people in plain clothes look like fucking losers
/lat/ hilo latino
How do you say "land of the free" in your cunt?
/esp/ - Edición superior
Do you speak American English or British English?
International music thread
Don't you feel bad for wasting so much time on Zig Forums?
Why did british cuisine disappear?
I wait for the day a Brazilian Hitler will rise and kill all these brainless evangelical retards
Europe is doomed
The niggers of Canada
Real GDP 2020 projection by IMF
Please post the most disgusting and grotesque soyjacks you have in your collection
Tfw foreigners have to waste precious brain space by learning multiple languages
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
How long do you sleep on average?
/anglaland/ aka /brit/
Sverigetråden - Sneedupplagan
I ordered a pizza but only ate half of it and my stomach already hurts
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Today I posted about the Scottish language
Secularism? No bro that's degenerate and is disgusting...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Actually, I'm American. user, why did you think that I'm Brazilian?
Spanish vs Mexican girls
10% of Canada's plasma comes from donations from its citizens. The other 90% of plasma, we pay the US for it...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Do you think they will ever take revenge?
Do you want to find love in Sweden?
You became king with absolute power in your country (LATAM only), what would you change to improve your country?
What's the GIGACHADEST thing you've done in school?
Germany & Poland Alliance Thread!
/wochenende/ ehemals /deutsch/
/britannia/ aka /brit/ + /ita/
How easy is it to play your country in Victoria 2?
Hey man, why don't ya'll have an air conditioner? What the heck do you do when it reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
Is masturbation shamed in your country?
Faces of Zig Forums
Do you love Argentina?
I'm tired of Germany, recommend me some nice places to migrate to
/fr/ - le Francofil
Imagine hanging out with your girlfriend and seeing this guy walking down the street
How accurate is this?
Average height in Europe
Why do americans do this?
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
/brit/ max
Sverigetråden - Lårupplagan
Yes I am American
I am bored does anybody want to play hangman?
Are you religious?
Women are responsible for the global decline in intelligence because they choose to reproduce with the worst men...
/lat/ hilo latino
I miss these lil' niggas like you wouldn't believe
Hilo /esp/añol
/ITA/ - il filo
How can I move to England anons? I want a better life
Russia has THIS many muslims?! I am surprised
/med/ - olive oil general
Does your country produce nuclear power?
How did white people progress so much in such a short amount of time even though in most of human history we did jack...
It hurts so much
This (the highlited area) is the comfiest region in the world
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine