Largest African populations in Europe

>Europe Belongs to The Islamic Star and crescent World we will Out Breed you and Never leave mark my Words
>Scandinavia is part of Greater Somalia Flag of Somalia. Mashallah.
>Europe will be ours in a few years
>Somalia got Scandinavia on lock
>Gaddafi saying fulfilled!
>Egyptian everywhere.. Long live Egypt
>Somalis will rule scandinavia soon
>Reverse colonialism
>Long live africa
>Scandinavia is part of Somaliweyn
>This is going to be a big change.
>i feel bad, but at the same time this is funny as hell
>#Genocide #WhiteGenocide

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>The Great Replacement

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good, we were never here to take part we were here to take over


So fucking glad these smug westerners will get what's coming to them

why is indonesia netherlands there?

Turkey is an invader, not Europe

Damn greedy moroccans stealing Italy away from Tunisia

>t. vladimir wilowicsz porochenko

>why is indonesia netherlands there?
I dunno

cant wait until west turns into south africa
some analysts say that sweden is at risk of civil war lol

>some analysts say that sweden is at risk of civil war lol
That's never gonna happen


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Those Anal cysts should re-think their career choice because civil war has 0% chance of happening here

Tow T comments
>This plus all the comments literally show you how Nonwhites feel towards us and how we are being genocide. Just another black pill today.
>Look at the comments they know they're taking over its pointless governments trying to deny it
>Nobody ever voted to replace their own people and culture.
>They're more South Africans than Nigerians in the UK? Surprising desu

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What's the point in using South Africa for the UK ?

Aren't most black people in England jamican ?

You'll leave when you fear getting killed

Germany barley has blacks to begin with

>You'll leave when you fear getting killed
Compared to where?
Europe has one of the lowest murder rates in the world

I think you meant to say I hope that it will happen



>bantuland federation
what the FUCK??? can this map become true please

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A lot of white South Africans in the uk since apartheid ended


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>ywn be a lower level muslim brotherhood figure who was exiled to istanbul and mostly just smokes hookah

Feels bad man

tell me what happened to Netherlands?
you were such a cool country

Attached: only one works.png (720x926, 948.06K)

I actually see this legit on twitter with dutch muslims lol

Not a lot, we've been a quite liberal country so the gay stuff shouldn't be too surprising (don't forget that basically every big corporation made these pride posts at some point.) When were we a cool country to you? Those cities have had a very large immigrant population for quite some time now, and rotterdam has been a shithole since the germans decided to carpet bomb it.

blessed map, elhamduillah.

Based Anglo saffers returning to the motherland