Why aren't these countries having sex?

Why aren't these countries having sex?

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Sex is overrated anyways
Also children are annoying

You retards who keep posting this are braindead. Women go to university and then work on their careers. There’s no time to breed in this day and age

they're still having sex, just not having kids

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

This letting women outside the kitchen was a misatake

unironically because they became westernized but didn't adopt degeneracy and life is fun attitude

Uh, hello? Based?

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They did though but they aren’t as open about it.

With boys like THIS who needs girl?

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Having sex =/= making kids

The most important factor affecting fertility rates

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Why are you trying to hide the low birth rates of some western countries? Finland Spain Germany is shitter than Japan for instance. Their liberal media and SNS gestapo ideologues just hide it. Muh multikulti.

I bet you're gonna fuck your anime pillow few hours later
you virgin

They are too busy playing League of Legends

Those countries are at least letting in immigrants. Japan will die

what about mormon and jewish orthodox?

They are exceptions but also women don't usually work in those communities

So? That doesn't make any deference. Why are you fucking hiding it? Very bizzare denial. They and tards like you must be needlessly proud of themselves and alway want to feel a moral superiority to someone else. Weird.


imagine africa tier shithole having that low birth rate.

This is such a cope, if you really looked into it there are other factors, including the complex ones that force social status-needing Koreans to focus on their job above things like personal life and mental health.
How can meds and latin americans be lazy and have good lives working less than Koreans? Their society doesn’t focus on churning work out of them until they kill themselves. If I knew them I would probably love every Korean individually but collectively they’re the most evil people I’ve ever known

>non meme answer
The average Asian penis isn’t long enough to penetrate the hymen

yes I can and I will be superior coz I ain't incel with anime pillow

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I doubt spics are living better than koreans


Japan have over 120 million population.
we had high birth rate.

in Greece's case, who's going to work and pay the debts then, Mr. Papadoupolous? time for gayreek men to stay in the kitchen now, you lazy cunt

This is a good thing.

>respond with anime image

low IQ subhuman

look at this jap
at least I have a gf and I can watch anime with her together unlike you

In developed societies there are better things to do than having children

>he admit wathing anime and insult Japanese with anime

...Im a female and having bf.

add Japanese poster aren't one poster.

This is good. Hopefully it'll prevent massive overpopulation.

They have time to get railed by tall attractive men, not disgusting 5'5" skinny little yellow roaches.

Have you seen what the women have to pick from?

ok gook

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because these countries, especially Japan, have a work culture so extreme that many of their citizens barely have time to come home and rest and care for themself. they simply do not have the time to raise a child so they don't. there aren't many places that actually take care of their employees in japan.


you are just a boring westacuck. keep praising western trash media and dumb anglo journos