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/desi/-Rahul Gandhi for PM edition
Carter Flores
Christopher Richardson
Of course bro
That's the only way you can save me
Noah Diaz
first mallu itt
Parker Morales
Caleb Brown
>you have to be intelligent to defeat someone in election
She sure is a dumbass
Julian Bell
And she won an election against Rahul in his constituency. What does that say about him?
Anthony Powell
>ride the modi wave and balakot strike
It's not as if she won the elections by her own merits as an astute politician but yeah Rahul Gandhi is a dumbass too
Hunter Campbell
>Muh tolerant and secular freed icon
Cameron Lewis
Dindu brit poster, I won't reply to you at all. I was just replying to my Kashmiri brethren. You don't have that "aukat'.
Anthony Hall
What the fuck I just listened to the Masakali remix why does Bollywood ruin everything ARR has ever made one by one with remixes. First it was Tamil songs, now Hindi songs too.
Matthew Lopez
stop shilling this elitist cunt
he is a literal retard and people suck up to him only because he looks white
Matthew Collins
Pichli bar kya bola? Aukat?
Ethan Evans
cope Rahul Gandhi is the most intelligent PM candidate.
Blake Parker
she thinks she's won some argument over there
Cameron Powell
don't call me your brethren gujjar khan. Where do you live? I'm going to Anantnag in 2022 and will throw down with you
Benjamin Baker
Nice flag
Cameron Thomas
I live in Srinagar ofc
Also take the Burhan Wani pill
>However, Burhan Wani welcomed the Kashmiri Hindus to return and promised to guard them. He also promised a safe Amarnath Yatra.[117] Kashmiri Hindus residing in the Valley also mourned Burhan Wani's death.[118]
Also not a gujjar
I am very high caste actually which is why dogras allowed my grandmother's family to own lands.
Joshua Rivera
If he was the real deal, he would be demanding complete independence and not wanting to join Pakistan. The retiring Kashmiri Pandits is nothing more than PR, most Muslims in the valley are overjoyed that they Hindus were expelled.
Wyatt Diaz
SHHHHHH He thinks just because he hasn't seen discrimination against Hindus discrimination doesn't exist
Cameron Thomas
>tfw no Medusa printed gf
Nathaniel Gutierrez
There's a reason why I am pro pandit rehabilitation and pro plebiscite
Dindus really assume a lot about me.
Jose Johnson
There can't be any discrimination if there is nobody to discriminate against, that problem was solved in 1990 of course.
Blake Edwards
Wikipedia is not a reliable source anymore, we all know that.
Andrew Stewart
You may be like that, but what are you co-religionists like? How many militants were there realistically in the valley qhe the exodus happened? Can't have been more than a few hundred, yet millions of pure innocent Muslims didn't intervene to counter this extremism? It's all well and fine to be tolerant and benevolent after the cleansing has happened.
Eli Russell
Why does this article make dindus seethe?
Carson Wood
You can check the citation to find what he said. Also, Pakistanis just dislike Wikipedia because it shows that the 1965 war was a stalemate and that strategically speaking, India won as it managed to defend Kashmir.
Grayson Davis
burhan wani was a pakistan controlled retard who upon achieving his goal (not that it was ever possible) would have eliminated the remaining pandits and sikhs in the valley and surrounding areas. Of course this doesn't phase humaNEshiri one bit! Just like the other muslims he prefers that outcome.
Also you most probably have a poster of Wani in your bedroom that you kiss before sleeping every night, don't you?
Isaac White
If we had the power to do that then we would've countered India too a long ago.
Joshua Thompson
Because it just an anecdotal story with an anonymous source. There is no proof such a thing happened and even if it did, it is silly to say those are the feelings of all Pandits.
Brody Morales
Why don't you listen to the real Pandits who lived in Burhan Wani's town
Brody Jenkins
Kashmiri, you said you'd watch Super Deluxe this weekend bro
Kevin Sanders
>why does linking this fake shitty piece of propaganda make anons on this thread call me out?!
Michael Morales
Yes after Iftar
Easton Hall
How so, you managed to expel unarmed Pandit minorities, by the wider Muslim community idly standing by and most likely tacitly supporting the cleansing (elections were rigged in 1987, Muslims naturally wanted an immediate scapegoat, like those Muslim hardliners in East Pakistan 1971), quite different to expelling a heavily armed force is it not?
Zachary Lewis
>real pandits support the idea of a sharia state Kashmir
Andrew Kelly
Why do you think the largest government approved™ newspaper in J&K is fake? In fact, GK gets shit from Kashmiris because they don't post pro separatist articles
Carter Williams
Based, hope you like it
next you should watch a malayalam film
Gavin Perez
Yes I should also link to Republic TV as it is a big Indian Channel Kashmiri would surely accept that as being big is the only criteria for credibility
Ethan Green
Holy based looks like I have a fan
Oliver Lewis
It's no use debating him. He keeps recycling arguments and mental gymnastics to make himself appear like hes not secretly a jihadi. Atleast he isnt as bad as that self hating punjabi paki
Austin Taylor
Umm because there was huge fear that time that Kashmir will become Syrian Civil war tier. There's a reason why despite there being no violence in my maternal ancestral village, out of 30 some 25 families left and the 5 that didn't are still there. Violence although regrettably happened in some places but that wasn't the only reason Pandits left.
Noah Moore
Not an argument. Prove that the article is wrong.
Christian Evans
>muh caste!
Still a pajeet though.
Mourning a death of anarchist shouldn't bother anyone unless they think of him as psy ops isi agent. :^)
Kevin Cooper
Silly Hindu, don't you know Muslims are always tolerant of minorities, so much is the tolerance for these ungateful Hindus by the noble Muslims, that they are protected from the stressful duties of becoming PM of Pakistan by not being allowed to take such a positions.
How great, I mean, in a 96% Muslim nation, it is highly unlikely a Hindu would even be elected, but at least the powers that be are protecting Hindus from taking on this stressful role, no matter how small the chance of it happening would he otherwise.
Kayden Thompson
Find me a proper source on your so called 'claim' jani.
Kayden Sanchez
Okay that is true now look at my newspaper what they wrote about Kashmir Hindu
Hindu#1" I am so happy that Burhan Wani died he was such a huge faggot"
Prove it wrong
and even if it is true it is like some 5-6 handful families some 4-5 % Muslims voted Modi as well
Luke Morales
Desu desu
Luis Campbell
Ummmm so you agree the article is true
Thanks for arguing
Elijah Ortiz
The straightest man in this shit general
William Bennett
Which claim?
Sebastian Rivera