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I wish I had his body tbqh. Better than being a lardass.


>Why yes, I am from South Brazil. What gave it away?


He's from the northeast.

looks mestizo

wtf all Portuguese rightoids look the same

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>Greetings! White Europeans in Europe!

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do brazilians rlly... ?

one is french, one is brazilian
can you tell which? the answer may surprise you

Attached: file.png (1223x367, 809.55K)

left is a guaranteed child of LA REPVBLIQVE
right looks like some anglo fag


wtf portugal??

I've been pondering this now for eight hours.

>Indeed. And brown Brazilians in Brazil. Stay there!

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this is how I imagine brazilian right wingers on this board

>Brown Portuguese are the most aggressive nazis and white supremacists


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How do you imagine left-wing brazilians then?

Attached: 1582600944210.gif (480x270, 2.12M)

saner than the ones that defend Bolsonaro



Left is coldzero, Brazilian player in csgo which did the most interesting play back then

hes hot

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Trump is that you?


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Brazilians that want/need to be europeans, are pretty cringe. Whats the problem with this guys?

>How do you imagine left-wing brazilians then?

Attached: brazilian philosopher in front of academy students.jpg (2048x1536, 513.72K)

he's marked wrong for those
nazi X
portugal X
football X