I wish I had his body tbqh. Better than being a lardass.
>Why yes, I am from South Brazil. What gave it away?
He's from the northeast.
looks mestizo
wtf all Portuguese rightoids look the same
>Greetings! White Europeans in Europe!
do brazilians rlly... ?
one is french, one is brazilian
can you tell which? the answer may surprise you
left is a guaranteed child of LA REPVBLIQVE
right looks like some anglo fag
wtf portugal??
I've been pondering this now for eight hours.
>Indeed. And brown Brazilians in Brazil. Stay there!
this is how I imagine brazilian right wingers on this board
>Brown Portuguese are the most aggressive nazis and white supremacists
How do you imagine left-wing brazilians then?
saner than the ones that defend Bolsonaro
Left is coldzero, Brazilian player in csgo which did the most interesting play back then
hes hot
Trump is that you?
Brazilians that want/need to be europeans, are pretty cringe. Whats the problem with this guys?
>How do you imagine left-wing brazilians then?
he's marked wrong for those
nazi X
portugal X
football X