Average German boy

Average German boy

Attached: jonas kahnwald.jpg (600x450, 24.3K)

Not at all. He's definitely North German.

literally Iself

He is not pretty, but he is handsome.

Literally me 15 years ago.

He's both

Post face

Attached: jonas kahnwald2.jpg (1264x812, 317.54K)

Pure Scandinavian ancestry.

l wish

objectively weird looking but i would still suck jonas dick

No He is ugly-handsome.

Under what definition is that ugly?

Under the definition that he reminds Slender Man, but you wouldn't scream if he came into your bed.

What's weird about it?

itt: homos

He is very long.

Nah, looks just about average.

This is the head shape of most North Germanic people.

might have been speaking figuratively after all. hard to tell the difference.

It's kinda handsome, it just that it also looks very long at the same time in my view.

it's just*

Looking young is a bad thing?

He doesn't look young to me. Wich is what makes it appealing.

I think he looks like me lol

He looks like he's 17-18 in the first picture.

a fag

Average German boy

Attached: Screenshot_(5).png (797x822, 499.86K)

dei Muddi hat Pockennarben

Ich, nachdem ich meinen ganzen Lebenssaft in deine Mutter abgespritzt habe

Average German boy

Attached: WIH-Black-3b3XD.jpg (357x536, 66.58K)

pure bavarian

Only reason he’s attractive is Russian rapebaby genes

german girl

Attached: 96871443_721421015272903_4463374197527828235_n.jpg (1125x2000, 224.56K)

average german boy

Attached: 1589402110841.jpg (571x891, 61.99K)

t. 16 year old slavoid pro gamer

god he's so perfect. boys this pretty shouldn't be allowed

Attached: 672fd048d7d03f1f6e4ecb2a723a2f44.jpg (978x1195, 116.87K)

Kann ich als Einheimischer in Deutschland passieren?

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Pretty sure that's a dude.

Attached: 1589367678581.jpg (700x949, 253.04K)


Attached: 1583103764898.png (1920x960, 790.88K)

u just feminine

Attached: 1581966962561.webm (640x800, 2.86M)


Looks stupid and lazy.

Attached: 1589319847588.jpg (1440x1241, 301.77K)

Yeah, sorry, I haven't spoken any german in 15 years.