This Japanese woman triggers a bunch of white women

Whats happening with them? She just teaches how to clean up your house, and yet they are mass triggered and attack her. Its insane.

Ofc almost all of them are mutts. Funny they are unironically racist and xenophobic af IRL, while propagating feminism and diversity and shit. The white roastie/Karen meme is real. Why are they so fucking fragile, hysteric, and jealous of everything?

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Other urls found in this thread:

white women fear the NIPPON QUEEN stealing their men

I could use a few tips how to keep my clothes folded, I for the love of god cannot fold my shirts properly. Link?

must be an American show? I’ve never heard of it

>mid 30's

wite wimmin will literally go full exterminationist against latinas if they feel threatened that white guys will chase them

cleaning with marie kondo
its one of the most popular shows on netflix
unironically watch it while do washing,/ironing and shit

Is she jomon?

my mom has her book under a big mess of other books and random items in the living room, kek

I don’t have netflix :(

I thought white women craves BBC more than SWC?

I know some rich people, they don't touch anything or non rich people because they believe they are dirty. These same rich people sometimes don't even shower or know how to clean their stuff, they are dirtier than what they call dirty. When they face the truth they, especially their mothers go full Karen mode and they don't even realize they're wrong. So I get why she trigger so many women

the man they want to settle down with just has to be put on hold for 10 years and they get angry if that man runs off with a latina

she's dogan(baby face)

>white woman sees you with asian girl
>eww creep with yellow fever

>white woman sucks 15 black dicks at once
mention anything about it and youre a raysist

Same message as this book?

Attached: g9o9gd3dqsp01.jpg (963x1200, 102.84K)

They do. Even if you’re a white chad with a BWC of your own

they’ll still want BBC on the side

Attached: 6442FB91-F1B1-4348-9B2F-FC6C8338C73F.jpg (2517x2560, 1.17M)

That ass is really horrendous. I don't understand how people find it attractive, it doesn't even look natural

Unironically based; they see men outside their race as personal sextoys, and men their own race as husbands and protectors. Or maybe I'm wrong and the one they settle with becomes their wallet.

White women fear and hate everything that threatens the tremendous power they have over their men in the West.
They are afraid tha men could see how a good women actually behave and stop being under the mental control of the feminists

pretty much. reaction is similar. roasties don't like to be reminded that traditional values are superior to their post modern hedonism

American female r basically insane.
When I went to USA, they were all sullen.
Our girls give us natural smile , but American women are sullen all the time.

>tradition values
What meaneth this?

the completely nazi idea that women can enjoy being homemakers and can find happiness in domestic work. can you imagine


I don't like nazis and i don't like thinking about what women want/ need to be happy.
Women are for personal use and thats it.

all of these women will hit the age of 30 single and childless


Why are you Zig Forumstards all the same?

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Theres unirocanilly a bunch of articles and blue checkmarks tweets attacking her or defending white accusers. Most of them are written by white/Anglo women who seem to be liberal leaning. Its purely insane.

very wise words hungry

Attached: Does this item spark dubs.jpg (600x788, 103.04K)

Jason luv is probably the manliest black male on this planet

White women fear nothing, incel.

White males in the west are pussies, you already lost the ideological battle.

The kikes have brainwashed white women way more than white men.
This whole feminism movement is made by them to ensure that whites don't breed.
I sure hope these parasites get their just desserts soon.

i want to sex sex sex this milf

She looks like she loves the BBC

i've not been to japan but thanks for your input