VOX want a sovereign Spain and stop being a satellite of Germany but it's not anti - EU as Falange so I don't know whether to vote for the Falange or the Spanish Communist Party.
I'm voting to Falange in the next elections
I love VOX too - glory to Israel and the Romani people!
Is the Spanish Communist Party actually anti-EU or are they cucked eurocommunist libs?
they are Anti-EU even Podemos (now in the government ) was anti-EU
Wait a sec, you still have falanga party in Spain?
This is what I was thinking. Spain still having a falangist party today would be like Germany still having the Nazi party.
yes, they splitted into several factions that fight each other because of slightly ideological differences, but they are still there and you can vote them in the elections.
Can you vote for falange authentica ? These guys are ultra based
now that is BASED!
Imagine what spain would be if the falangist took the power instead of uncle franco!
Good to see that y'all have leftist parties like that there's nothing more cucked than "left-wingers" that blindly support the EU like those Labor party remoaners in the UK
Falange was the main party in Spain during 40 years.
>camisas nuevas
just because franco hijacked the party doesn't mean any falangist policies were implemented
Yes, you can vote for Falange auténtica, It is a legilized political party. There are literally white-nationalist political parties ( I know that It is kinda ironic) that are legal and you can vote for in Spain, Pic related is an example.
No it wasn't. Franco hijacked the party and its symbols just because it benefited him, but the new party had nothing to do with the actual Falange.
Wasn't Franco's government just a coalition of all the different "far-right"/traditional movements at the time? Franco kept the peace, and did a good job with keeping Spain stable and out of war, but it's not like he was an actual falangist or actually implemented any national socialist policies.
You are totally right, though the influence of these different factions had on the government changed and there are different periods in the dictatorship. In the beginning the falangists had a strong control on franco´s policies but little by little the more religious factions took that power away from falange, the final move was when Franco decided to give the control of the country to the opus dei technocrats.
He wasn't a Falangist, but he used the party as a political means, unifying the Carlists + Falange = Falange de las JONS
all right! I don't know too much about falangist, but I should learn more about them. I've recently developed a big interest for third position movements as I'm getting more and more sick of the liberal """democracy"""
The biggest Falanges, yes there's like a couple of docens, and few of alt-right and neofascist went in a coalition called ADÑ, they got 11798 votes
No, Falange de las JONS was the "original" party that was created when Falange Española (Jose Antonio) and JONS (Onésimo Redondo and Ramiro Ledesma) were merged together. Then, Franco took over and unified all the "right-wing" (Falange, Carlists, Monarchists, National Catholics, Conservatives, etc) factions to create FET de las JONS.
What falange? There are like 5 or 6 different "falanges" LOL
During the first 20 Falange ruled, after the 50s Spain was ruled byr the technocrats from the Opus Dei, they are still ruling with people like de Guindos, Fernández Díaz, Trillo, Martínez Pujalte etc.
On the last elections I wanted to vote to Falange Autentica but there were not "papeletas" in my electoral college so i didnt vote. I dont know if they will participate on the next one.
Vote Falange and communist
Is VOX a falange like party? they seemed pretty based
The PCE is technically currently in goverment.
Its not like the fascists ever lost or anything, Franco just died and then the king brought back parliament
Vox are conservatives on social affairs and liberal on economicals. They are controlled disidence.
dont throw away votes on meme-parties, it only hurts the party which has a chance to change things in the direction u want (VOX). If the atmosphere in Spain was very anti-EU and anti-EU wouldn't hurt support they would do that, but think smarter and more realistic when voting if u want to see any actual change whatsoever pls
Doesn't matter, both parties are parties for retards.