Do you have any pets?
Do you have any pets?
Other urls found in this thread:
no we don't do any animal abuse
>Be American
>Get shot by kot
Gastrointestinal microbiota. Does it count?
Of course.
One day it's my dream to move to the U.S and become a resonsible gun owner who has
>Some sort of basic 9mm for personal defence
>A shotgun in the home that is SECURE
>Some sort of rifle that is used purely for fun at a range (something antique like a mosin)
A cobba can dream...
Is this picture real? Looks magical, like the mushreem.
I used to have two pet guinea pigs.
No idea. I stole it from another board. It's a beautiful kot.
I wish
Pets are great, I am jealous
No, they're all dead. Plus I never got over the cat my sister killed. We grew up next to each other, he was more of a family member to than she ever was.
im sorry sven
I see.
How did your sister kill him?
Some Dutch guys stayed at my house for the solar eclipse a few years ago (since it was in the path, and people were renting rooms to tourists for spare cash), and that was one of the very first things they asked about.
>Hey, can we go shooting?
>Wow, lots of trees around here, do you go shooting in the trees?
>Can you take us shooting some guns?
I didn't even own an 'assault rifle' at that time, but they gave me some money and I bought one so that we could all go shooting.
I have 2 kots
i think i have toxoplasmosis
No, my childhood dog died last year, I hadn't seen her for over a year two.
I'm thinking of adopting ferrets once my work slows down again
>I bought one so that we could all go shooting.
based youre a good man
I have Joppe. He's one of them "HORRIBLE MONSTER CHILD KILLER" dogs aka a bully.
He's scared of bumblebees.
This is my pet
Cute kot
she's a girl
Based. Pet her for me.
i had a kot when i was younger but i developed an allergy to kots
just make you sure you dont fall asleep around him
He sleeps next to me in bed. The only danger is his farts.
Very cute.
Dog farts (not the porn studio) are something else.
I have doggo