Why do they cheat so much?
Why do they cheat so much?
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they have this attitude that if you get screwed over by someone, it's your fault for being stupid and falling for it
My wife is Chinese and I went to see her parents again in Yunnan. We went to some spa to relax and there was a buffet at lunch time. Nobody lined up. They would just crowd around each dish and pile it up and then the next fastest person would grab the spoon.
I remained calm and just stared at whoever was doing it until I got to the front. An older guy noticed me staring at him as he went to grab the spoon, blushed and then gave it to me so I could finally get some food.
Spoke about it to my wifes mother and she said that was just typical China. You have to push, cheat and be an arsehole to get ahead. The man was probably embarrased for this behaviour and thus gave me the spoon. I did ask why they couldn't just line up and take the food one by one and she just laughed.
Why do videogamers use cheat codes? To win.
Shouldn't this attitude change since they're not 3rd world anymore
Playing with an aimbot is pretty boring desu. If all you're doing is pressing mouse 1 what's the point of even playing the game.
no, even "educated" classes in china behave like this. There are so many people in china you have to cheat, lie and steal to get ahead and it's not seen as a bad thing to do so.
Which is why the golden rule is not as good as it seems.
Christian morality is where decency and civilisation is at
If just not being 3rd world was enough, Brazil wouldn't have 60 000+ murders each year.
but Brazil is third world
Than China is third world too
They have very close GDP per capita.
chinks traditionally have that mind set, whether good or bad. they just love benefit. if something benefits them then they just do it. they know morals/ethics dont benefit anything and just dont go against it. even if you are ethical you dont get anything. their society doesnt have the value.
its highly materialistic but its their tradition and norms.
Brazil has murder because it has _ _ _ _ _ _ _
nihao Davido-kun
So they're inherently narcisistic, is what i'm hearing
Wow I didn't realize their hdi and gdp per capita are so close. My views of both are different now
>inb4 some Brazilian pardo idiot starts spamming shit and quoting me with a picture of a monkey
Why are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ like this?
Yeah and that is with chinks faked data. Most of their data like school results, unemployment etc. are reported only from cities. Rural china is completely left out is chinese data reports.
How have your views changed.
in a very ancient way, yes. otherwise not really. they are more like "this is the fucking fastest and easiest way to make money so why bother" type people.
You underestimate how insanely hard it is to have non-conflicting lies.
We see it with the US where the propaganda contradict itself constantly.
Well the truth is that china is not reporting data from rural areas. They are just doing surveys in cities.
I used to think of Brazilians as 3rd world huehues and Chinks as basically a little behind 2nd worlders, but catchng up quickly.
Now considering that they may even be tampering with their stats...
Only cucks conform to social norms. It’s a dog eat dog world. The cold opportunist always rises to the top.
What caused them to behave like this?
their text is such an eyesore
Why don't we? I cheat all the time, did in school, do in university.
The west needs to embrace political realism.
This but unironically.
what would a stupid riffain know
India has a better version of that:
If you scam someone of their money, the money is yours fair and square, because you were smart enough to fool the victim.
When I was 15 I loved using aimbot to troll on CS
I don't get why people use on competitive games though
China have coastal cities full of glass towers and but the rural china with almost 600 million people is still poor af