FUCK domestic migrants from these provinces
>domestic migrants that never assimilate into other provinces' cultures
>alcoholics and smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day
>always manual labourer poorfags
>really loud
>REALLY sensitive to their provinces or the Atlantic getting insulted; hell they're sensitive to any sort of insult because they have a culture of narcissism
>they will harass you but they're actually weak cowards all bark no bite
>2 digit IQ
>their "happy-go-lucky" jolly nature is African American jiving tier
The niggers of Canada
true cool based
The Prairies have no culture, oilnigger.
Better than having literal nigger culture
Based Alberta taking them all in so none come to B.C.
very mad at our whiteness huh? stfu confederationigger
Your provinces are white because NO ONE wants to live there, not even niggers
Yes I will only work 6 months of the year
Yes I will treat the rest as a vacation while 100% of my income comes through either EI or under-the-table work
Yes you will pay for it
shut your mouth, I don't speak to non-whites
Beyond based
My ancestor :)
even if you truly believe this, they've already been punished by the fact that they live in atlantic canada, so they've paid their dues
>they've already been punished by the fact that they live in atlantic canada
What does that even mean? Atlantic Canada is the most beautiful region in the country. We're fucked because of Confederation and the National Policy.
>the most beautiful region in the country
You don't actually believe that THAT is the most beautiful region in the country? Your weather and geography is shit
That's like saying that Scotland is the most beautiful region in Europe
You're pathetically trying to spin positive things about Maritimers as negative.
>they're strong? haha shitty manual labourers
>they're confident and not pushovers like the rest of Canada? narcissism
>they're happy? n-n-niggers
Long live Nunavut and indigenous groups, fuck fake Europeans who betrayed our continent
The Indigenous groups are just fake Asians who betrayed their continent Asia.
Nah I’m from there and the nature doesn’t even compare to the nature and islands of BC. Newfoundland is nice tho
America is a western extension of Europe, but sadly it failed at that because it got taken over by a certain group
They lost everything of their previous culture to join a tasteless one
America was empty land devoid of civilistation before Europeans actually built up anything over there
Come here sons of Scotland and Ireland!
Wrong, desert is still desert but the good parts were indigenous, just because they didn't left much architecture and shit it doesn't mean settlements didn't exist
I'm 1/4 Irish, can I come?
>other provinces' cultures
there's a clear cultural difference between atlanticniggers and the rest of Canada at least
Of course.
holy fuck I thought our borders were autistic
This is where trailer park boys happens right?
Yes. 100% accurate depiction of Nova Scotians, you can ask them yourself and they'll proudly admit to their niggery
pleb filtered lol
Based then. Canada is cancer but Nova Scotia is based.
And where is your pride, Canadian man?
Albertans are actually the backbone of this country. We provide for you. Don't bite the hand that feeds, little brat
Eternally Based Nova Scotia. Also very interesting to see the divide between french and english Montreal in that picture. That's St-Laurent street dividing the two halves, and it's interesting that the french half was originally in with the liberal party of Canada and John A's conservatives took the current bedrock of the LPC, the west island.
OP is a pajeet chink colonizer, Edmonton is 60% European. No wonder he hates white working class people with real Canadian culture and that they don't assimilate into chinatown.
Nah I'm from there too