What's your cuisine like?
What's your cuisine like?
>european food
Seafood and damper
pine cone jam
candies from blood
jelly soup
fish eggs
cold soup with fermented milk
>american is brown
rich and tasty, making the standarisation of cuisine techniques all around the world.
lole! just noticed!
ah yes, the frog legs and sheep intestines that make up the standards of my local restaurants
>good food
Nordics are fucking delusional, living on tree barks, fermented shark and salted potatoes
ayy laughing my ass off
you call it cuisine stoopid wog, enter one tile in your life in a restaurant and see how they make food, they don't do it the nigger way like your mama used to but the french way.
t. never visited denmark
based Hungarian at it again
>calls me a wog
>actually a gypsy
TIL the French invented restaurant standards.
I like that anglos go full hurr durr frogs and snails when coping against the french and then go around and praise italian or spanish cuisine where frog and snail eating is also a thing
>European food
Meds shouldn't be placed in the same league as the rest of Europe when it comes to food.
fantastic post, mate. keep up the good work
yeah you're a wog and a fucking cuck, just look at the flag under which you're posting.
>your a wog and a fugging guck :DDDDDD
>t. frenchman
yes i'm french which makes me infinitely more relvant than a cucked flag like yours, know your place you wog.
Hate this ridiculous post, french people didn't invent frying or baking or grilling or making sauces. Doubt there is anything that originated in France that didn't originate elsewhere as well
>yes im frenge :DDDD
>im infinidly more relebant :DDDDD
my sides are in orbit, frogman
frogs and snails...
that's your stomach that is upside down when i see what you stoopid wogs are eating huh disgusting, is food just fuel for you to get ready to get cucked by your masters with a big smile on your face ?
gb2 school :DDDDDD
you're the one who should get to it and learn how to cook some food you stoopid wog.
I can get a seafood dinner for $4, you need to learn how to spell
i can teach how to cook to monkeys, unfortunately wogs like yourself are too dumb to learn, you should take some notes.
some nice cringe ITT, exactly what I needed for my morning
yeah you hate whatever the french does better than you do bastard, surely why you're hating so many things.
I'm dying
of course you do with the shit you put on your mouth, you'd better keep sucking anglo cocks like you always did.
Do all French people talk like this? Hearing broken English in the TF2 spy's voice is the funniest shit to me.
of course, we can talk that french bastard dialect the way we want what's your problem with that you wog ?
Is this isyuzoku?