I went to Japan and didn´t see a SINGLE girl with this kind of face or body

I went to Japan and didn´t see a SINGLE girl with this kind of face or body.
99% of girls over there look like Zuckerberg´s wife

Attached: 1589722264607.webm (1022x574, 2.63M)

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that's considered an omega-cup in Japan so it's not surprising

they are obsessed with big tits because their women don't have them. And real life is not porn.

This kind is keeped in her late teens by Japanese
youngsters and become someone's wife before she turns 22 or so. Her boobs are not my taste, 2bh.
to me, 8/10.

how likely can i find a guy like this in white countries? lol cope

Attached: A6386363-8D0D-4C63-84FF-9C3D1C597EDD.jpg (557x550, 26.77K)

You'd easily find someone like that around a University.

Obviously if you look elsewhere in dumb places you're going to find a lot of dumb looking folk.

Attached: Jimmy Numale.jpg (640x629, 95.2K)

he's not ugly, just a jew.

Most attractive Jap girls wouldn't data a pinkoid, let alone a monkey

Unironically cute

You have to go to hokkaido to get a jamon wife.

Most attractive monkeys wouldn't date an insect either. Perfect.

that's considered attractive by Jap standards? I mean, he's not bad looking, but he's average as fuck bro.
Usually when women think of attractive Europeans they imagine something like pic related, which is a bit rare.

Attached: 8e547b5eb88231cc49f7b1375e6934e6.jpg (1080x1080, 118.1K)

wow literally me

timothee chalamet is considered one of the most attractive men in the west right now

Is anime white? I only fuck white girls so this is important information for me.

Attached: 1579636854150.png (1000x1200, 962.6K)

Bro, your women are only praised by trash tier whites.

It's your fault for falling for the muh japanese girl meme.

Every man worth his salt knows Korea and China have the pretty girls, even though they might be plastic

He's Jewish, not white

This OP is lying. Her face is nothing special. It's unironically 7/10. Her TITS are special. And that's the whole point.

he is not japanese, retardeds
He is a amerishart PVT in some base in Okinawa


Lying my ass
the only attractive "japanese" i´ve seen in Japan started to speak in spanish (probably peruvian)

Because japanese girls in Sao Paulo are hot. I don´t know why.
Probably because they are form Okinawa, i don´t know


But japanese girls in Japan are hideous

>the only attractive "japanese" i´ve seen in Japan started to speak in spanish (probably peruvian)

Attached: 1519539111660.jpg (537x529, 31.69K)

Why are you lying monkeyman?

Attached: japanese tinder.jpg (1145x621, 460.85K)

By homos, you mean

No by teenage girls and marroed women in their late 20s early 30s

Yeah yeah, young girl totally prefer bald and muscular 25+ yo neanderthals, just go to gym and earn money bro. This science fact is proven right by r/incels.

You will see plenty of 20 something guys that look better than this twink in any European highschool

A woman would marry a dog if the dog was rich, prove me wrong.

For the average woman looking for a partner, your ability as a provider is the most important thing. Just look at how many “strong relationships” collapse the second the man is out of a job, as well as the rate of cheating in countries where the woman is guaranteed the bulk of wealth in s divorce.

Dont waste you time monkeybro, retards will always take the bait

That's great to know
I hope more western people would be like you.
The only type of people that appreciate eastern women beauties are eastern men.

when you said women, did you even think about your mother for just a bit?

There are tbqh