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International #1234
Australia started off as a penal colony
Anime was a mistake, sorry
FBI wolf
I wish we had cute kots roaming our streets like you guys
Fuck, I'm trying to date a Spanish woman and it's impossible
Germany what the fuck
Virjin davido kun
In India...
Dear r/int, do you have to wear masks while you go shopping?
Why do they hate each other so much
/fr/ - le francofil
I can't stop picking my nose
/MEX/ - Hilo Mexicano
Is he right, are the french more germanic than celtic or mediterranean?
1. your cunt
Hello...based department?
ITT post grocery stores from your country
I made a tier list of 1st world countries
1.4 billion people
Latin america has had negative gdp per capita growth every year since 2014
Is he white?
Hilo /lat/ino
What is it like to be a white american?
How common is weed in your area?
China on suicide watch, the Anglo BVLL reads it’s head
Get coke
Guess the weight of the poster above you
Go to local Iraqi restaurant
Dubs and i die in my sleep
Americans will defend this
People are blaming evangelical and protestants for Bolsonaro mistakes...
When you manage to bump a thread after it's already fallen onto page 11
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Is kurumina olmec?
I want to drink the poisonous syrup from the U.S.A., again
Hilo /esp/añol
Hilo /lat/ANO
On friday Argentina will go on default
1. Your country
Atheists LITERALLY be like "hey grandpa :]"
What’s the ugliest accent in Spanish and why is it Argentinian?
Does this happen in your country?
I'm not cute
This guy was an incel in New Zealand
When will the world learn that „depression“ is just another word for being a lazy, work-shy and friendless faggot?
What do jordanians think of Israel?
Would they pass as latinos?
I dont even have words for the stupidity for muttlings
Americans will defend this
Isaac is pronounced EYE-ZEEK instead of EE-SACK
/ita/ - il Filo
*blocks your path*
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
I hate greece
Americans be like
Japan has a Vietnamese crime problem
Sverigetråden - Rumpupplagan
ITT: we prove our country is relevant
You wake up in the Yorkshire moors
Which country in LATAM has the most potential to become a first world country and why?
Faces of Zig Forums
Why do Slavs keep fish in their bathtubs?
Hilo /lat/ino
How is your Ramadan going?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Who was in the wrong here?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Berated by Italian women
What % of your country's population do you think are anti-vaxxers?
/esp/ - Edición Zig Forums
What is you're experience with spanish qts?
I am alone and can't get a gf. I can't forget the girl I love even though I haven't seen her in a year...
Was the french revolution based or cringe?
If you see a tourist that looks like this, where do you assume they're from?
Meds use olive oil to cook their eggs and meat
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Here's a video of a typical American high school
Do you love Portugal?
This is what Americans think constitute healthy food
What is ur countrys general thread like
What tint is your country?
Does the American police agency SBI really exists ? Thanks
Are private schools really seen as something only rich people send their children to in you country...
When will Germany take back the Saxons of England?
Hiv ladning utgaven
Toll status: paid
Sverigetråden - Tommie Lindhs upplaga
Taiwan Hate Thread
Would you watch a movie with an italian horror junkie?
How do you say "nigger" in your language?
I'm tired of this FAKE friendship
Are they mutts?
Is Central America culturally/genetically closer to Mexico or are we more similar to Colombia...
Who's the best leader your country ever had?
/ita/ - il filo
Post signs of third worldism
Fair Asians
Mexican Education
/ישר/ - /ⲡⲓⲥⲣ/ - /इज़रा/ - /isr/ - מהדורת פטרול השרמוטות
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Please proceed to kill each other
Western cartoons are fucking garbage
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/esp/ - Hilo Español
Does this happen in your country?
1. Your country
1340 years of history
/ex-yu/ Enormna svinja edicija
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
When East and West Germany united, wasn't Austria supposed to go along with it as well?
Dutch Government says:
Stopped drinking Cofee for two days
Let's play hangman
Sverigetråden - Monarkiska upplagan
From today's march on Vancouver
Is it true Italians look up to Spaniards?
/brit/ + /birt/ + /brot/ + /bret/ + /brat/ + /brut/
Is it true Europeans don't use garlic sauce with their pizzas like Americans do?
Why do African Americans look so different to Africans...
Are there any countries in the world where women like blond guys?
And how many languages do you speak r/int?
Indian working in Dubai as a lowly data entry monkey
You can't be an incel here
Balkan is the best
/qc/ - le québéfil, anciennement /fr/ - le francofil
Posters from which country are the most mean to you/your country/your race on Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - Trådens gud är en grymt bra gud
Both Islamic republics. But reading their constitutions, Pakistan on paper has way more liberal principles than Iran...
*cums inside 200+ white britbong twinks*
Imagine not having Type A blood
I find it incredible to think that at one point Europe had more people than either Sub-Saharan Africa or MENA and white...
How do you see yourself growing old in your country?
Who would win a war in America between Latinos and blacks?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
How is dating in Greece?
We love each other and there is nothing you can do to stop that
This is a thread
/mena/ + /incels/
Is this an accurate assessment? Or not?
What did USA mean by this?
Zig Forumsanon doesn't have a passport
Why do Americans hate us ?
Americans think that this is funny
Is German-Switzerland, French-Switzerland, or Italian-Switzerland the best Switzerland?
Nooooooooooooo you can't just deport me man! I don't actually want Sharia here it was only a prank bro uh oh onhnono...
How do new build apartments in your country look?
/brit /
1. your cunt
Is anyone on Zig Forums a “perfect” human?
What was Europe like before American influence?
/ita/ - il filo
/balt + ausnz/
/desi/-Vada Chennai edition
Family Tree thread
Americans be like "hi is this the suicide hotline? help i am fat and retarded"
Why do young swedish males love this aesthetic?
/ישר/ - /Ισρ/ - /इजरा/ - /isr/ - מהדורת נתניה 2
Underrated Countries
Are abortions normal in your cunt?
What happens here?
Sverigetråden - FMupplagan
Is your country redpilled?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Go to Germany
No, you are not Nordic Eesti. You are a Slavic- Asiatic mutt rapebaby
I'm now officially Swedish :)
Do you identify the most with your nation, religion, race, culture, local community or are you a based world citizen?
Here's your mediterranean beach bro
What do you call this in your country?
Vocaroo thread
Name a comfier part of the world than the American West
You have been visited by Australia!!
What country would be the best choice for a homosexual couple to move to, get married and live peacefully?
/brit /
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Rumpupplagan
Tfw euros can travel to many other countries cheaply and quickly
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Coalition of 116 countries back Australia's push for independent coronavirus inquiry
/fr/ - Le Francofil Francophone
Do you like Portugal?
This is what Finland used to be about
Would you live in an American house?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2389
Japan is a homogeneous count-
/lang/ - Language Learning General
What is your country and what is you opinion of Pooland?
1. You're a country
Look at all the territory Germany could've had
Post politicians you want to FUCK SEX SEX SEX with from your cunt
Should BALD men be identified as an internationally oppressed ethnic group based on our Zig Forumsernational culture of...
What the fuck
Do you support a combined EU military?
Be cheese-eating surrender monkey
German moves to China so he can drill monkey heads
Do Pakistanis and Indians really think they're funny and cool?
Do you like cars?
Your new cunt
Soul vs soulless
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/med/ - olive oil general
I did the wagie thing for a decade and now I can pull out ~4000 USD per month in perpetuity
What is your ideal type of woman?
Japanese people are living demigods and Japan is the closest thing to an utopia on the Earth...
What foods are babymouths (picky manchildren) picky about in your country? Here they don't like pickles, onions...
ITT: we read mutt literatures
I've fixed the EU
This is considered attractive in MENA cunts
Ayy lmao
Which country is the biggest "we wuz" country? As in a country that has fell far from relevance...
What's wrong with this board
Do people in your country do this?
Are we the dumbest people in the world...
Are turks not considered white only because they are muslims? no meme answers
Do you like tall gurls?
Post police from your country
Is this common in India?
/hackln&neeten/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
Really makes you thank
Are the wh*toids actually under breeding
Oooooh massah you lookin so fine today oh my lawd pump me full a yo white boy seed
/fr/ - le fil du bas-canada
/esp/ - Hilo Español
/cum/ + /centralamerica
Japan financial collapse imminent
How'ya doin Capitalists?
Why Zig Forums hate amerimutt so much?
ITT: We search country specific subreddit on this site and post results
I fucking hate American tourists
Map thread
How do you feel about mukbangs?
ITT Brown girl appreciation
Have you ever kissed a girl from a different country?
Who's more obsessed? Who seethes more?
Why do social scientists believe that natural phenomena are social constructs?
Mixed People
Why do they love race mixing?
Do Goth Muslims exist?
These days In Japan middle and high school Jap girls are getting more and more pregnant
Seriously though, why does France love Muslims so much?
Fact: Australians are the most powerful race
Do you want to live in Mexico City, Zig Forums?
/lat/ hilo latino
Cats kill more than 1.5 billion native Australian animals per year
There are SEVEN (7) continents
1 white guy vs 6 Jap police in Tokyo
Italy should welcome the Argentinians
I think Koreans should forgive and forget the past
How popular is Reddit in your country?
Post your town city flag
I hate Japan
Canada vs Australia
Why did the irish just not eat fish?
Literally the best leader in Asia right now. And when I say Asia, I mean the whole continent
Whats Vancouver like?
Why are they dumb af?
/rare countries/
Korean bros... don't tell me this shit is actually accepted in your cunt...
Why does Japan love Kanji but Korea hate it? Is it lack of education?
Why are americans so fucking cringy
/canzuk/ = /brit/ + /leaf/ + /ausnz/
What do Euros think about the comfiness of Boston?
Ok so it is a well established fact that Australian people ride kangaroos to school, work etc...
Why is this board so gay? honest question
My people :) who are yours?
Are girls in your country prudish and religious?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Culture pals /cp/
Which one would you choose Zig Forums ?
Hilo /lat/ANO
Why are french so promiscuous?
Western society in decline
Why does America feel the need to "spread democracy" to countries that don't want it?
Sverigetråden - Chipsupplagan
EPPIC ..........RAP......... BATTLES.........OF HISTORYYYYYYYYYYYY !!!!!
Similar population sizes
/esp/ - Hilo de antes de ir a dormir
This is Brazillian pizza
The Fourth Rome
/fr/ - Le francophile
You can only reply to the country above if you defeated it in a war
Norway is very nationalistic, is this bad?
/rus/+/bel/ and friends
/nachtschicht/ morgens wieder /deutsch/
What's it like living near the border between countries?
1. Your country
Tell me about one Indian thing that doesn't involve poo
Tfw no asian gf
He's still a virgin
/brit /
Why russians hate gays?
This is canada where assimilated Indians hate indians
Wtf I love Islam now
Could she pass as a local in your country?
1.Your country
Are people afraid of getting murdered in your country?
Make post insulting Mexico
1. Ur cunt
Dude, it is crazy some user across the globe is reading this post here
Stop the Growing Trend of Germanophobia on Zig Forums NOW
Sverigetråden - kattupplagan
High IQ
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Visit transylvania pls
This is an average American high school
/esp/ - Miss me yet? edition
/lat/ hilo latino
Is Dua Lipa popular in your cunt?
/brit/ - Lowland Scotland is Anglic edition
Post the last vidya you have played and what you think about it
Mediterranean men look like THAT?
Why do white Americans refuse to be friends with non-whites?
Bro I heckin love communism!
Was USSR based?
Ukranian girls are too qt
Sverigetråden - Unge Shermans upplaga #55
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Are Anglos impressed by non-Anglos writing in perfect English on Zig Forums?
Our langauge is the only Germanic one not terrible
How can muslims hate on this qt?
Do you consider them med?
TFW fell for the Zig Forums "College/University is a marxist meme, you'll be brainwashed by libtards" meme
International beauty preferences
/ita/ - il filo
/ita/ il filo
How many urbanites are there on Zig Forums?
Have any of you ever been a victim of a major disaster? You know...
Why do Russians like 40k so much?
I wish I could have saved her
Assalamualaikum brother why dont you join us ? you must be tired after fighting, now dont be shy
Your cunt
Post armor from your country
/med/ - olive oil general
Explain honour killings to me
I'm going to Florence to "study" for a year in college. How do I get a qt Italian gf?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
The Big 3
Do you salt your pasta in the water or after you take it out?
Can you own this in your cunt?
Please come to italy on vacation this summer...
The destruction of foreign state flags, including that of the European Union...
Name one Canadian novel
What will happen in 2050?
I just learned about Botswana and I'm in awe at their economic develpment
Sverigetråden - Medellängdsutgåvan
/balt + ausnz/
What is the appeal?
Post Most famous Person worldwide ever from your country
Average girl in izmir
/ita/ - il Filo
Where is the retarded pole who said that we are not slavic. This is St Kliment of Ohrid and he created the cyrillic...
A Swedish Bodybuilding Gardener Becomes a Japanese Citizen, and the Whole Country Is Going Crazy Over Him
Stop scrolling
I am an American of Mexican descent and this is my family tree
/dixie/ - Kyrgyzstan & friends
I like hebes and ephebes
Does this happen in your country?
Korea is only country that write 7 in this way
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
/ישר/ - /ISR/ - /ИЗP/ - /イスラ/ - מהדורת נינטיז
Why American sports are soulless?
/esp/ - Edición cartográfica
What's your opinion on Texas?
Favourite album from your cunt
Hilo latino - /lat/
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/fr/ - le francofil
What kind of games do you play?
This is the most famous Italian in the world right now
/éire/ - hilo del ÉIREANNAIGH
Sverigetråden - hbtqi-upplagan
Why is this?
This is my country
Why do the Brits add olive oil to the pasta water?
What kinds of recreational sports are popular in your country?
I went to Japan and didn´t see a SINGLE girl with this kind of face or body
It is seriously fucking over for the US
Thank you for Rurik
/our nigga/ Murasame-sama has now advanced into doing bodybuilding advertising and fashion advertisement
There are only four races in this world
Tfw no turkish gf
Please help European farmers
Labor camp housing for Polish workers in the Netherlands
Most popular female names in Europe
Chinese state media slams 'lawless' Hong Kong schools after history test row
Why is there so much sinophobia on this board?
For me it's ice planet
/ita/ il filo
The perfect country doesn't exist-
Are people in your country smart enough to not travel to dangerous places? Dutch anons need not respond...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine