When will the world learn that „depression“ is just another word for being a lazy, work-shy and friendless faggot?
>muh doomer,coomer, boomer memes haha funny haha relatable hahaha
You’re delusional
When will the world learn that „depression“ is just another word for being a lazy, work-shy and friendless faggot?
>muh doomer,coomer, boomer memes haha funny haha relatable hahaha
You’re delusional
Not Zig Forums related.
Post hairy cheats again kinky hans
It’s a matter for the international community, it doesn’t focus on a country but rather the general term of a faggot on a global scale.
Ne hans aq? ben bir alemanciyim
do you want to talk about something
you're putting the cart before the horse, it's that being lazy, inactive, undisciplined, and asocial can lead to depression. The issue is when people don't have the will to be able to re-start the rhythm.
The 3 keys to being content are sleep, nutrition, and activity. If I ever find myself unhappy or in malaise, you have to re-evaluate each one, and force yourself to fix it.
user you seem tense. maybe fucking my boipussy would calm you?
You don't understand user
When I learned there's people who unironically enjoy working and needs it to be "fulfilled"
Gonna put us in a labour camp with all the other 'arbeitsscheu' hans?
Post pic of u saved it. I Love german men
Literally the most Zig Forums related post I've seen all day.
Depression is a real and a serious mental illness dumb user
>mfw people think depression is a meme
depression is a real thing but taking pride in it and creating a culture around it is cringe as fuck
What then? Gonna put me in a labor camp for a bad mood, fucker?
>You’re delusional
No, you're delusional.
based German telling it as it is
because it's not something to be proud about
>why yes, how could you tell?
>its not something to be proud about
why, its a part of me
because it drags you down and is something you would be better off without, you dumb retard?
assuming that it's real depression and you're not just making it up to feel cool
reminder that you have to be 18 to post here
Who cares
" Depression " is first worlders not having any problems so their mind makes up fake problems.
>being a lazy, work-shy and friendless faggot
If you have any idea on how to oppose the alienation, exploitation and boredom, feel free to share your thoughts.
that sounds like a lack of purpose not clinical depression
>lack of purpose
One thing results in another. You can get depressed easily if you can't realize your potential as a human being
you need to build yourself up from where you are user, not where you were supposed to be
What the fuck this supposed to mean
fucking this
Anybody who self-diagnoses with depression is little more than a whiny faggot self-important teenager.