
I doubt it’s them being hindu, the rich Middle East expats are Punjabis and Sindhis, no matter the religion. All the slaves are the Karachi muhajirs and Hindi speaking north central states.

>>>>>>Hindus don’t have a problem with Muslims in general.

Attached: download.png (500x653, 78.38K)

Shows one fringe case, literally the shittiest cherry picked bullshit I’ve seen so far, even for Zig Forums standards

you're a retard if you think it's urban karachiites moving to the gulf to do unskilled slave labor and not people from villages in the rest of Pakistan

True true, ignore that part Khalistani ISI agent

interesting. when I went it felt like literally 60% of the people I met were Indian.

Around 50 percent of the UAE’s population is south Asian, coupled with the fact you probably went to Dubai which is the expat center, at this point UAE is more south Asian than Arab ethnically

You’d be amazed by the lack of oil in the UAE
Only Dubai and Abu Dhabi and maybe Sharjah are that modernised.

yep. Even the Emirati guard at the airport spoke in Hindi to me kek and was dropping 70s and 80s Bollywood references like a pro

arabs arent miserly like hindus, they pay
t.hindu raised in Dubai