Latin america has had negative gdp per capita growth every year since 2014

>latin america has had negative gdp per capita growth every year since 2014

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it's kinda funny
once I read brazilian executives were somewhat desireable because they're used to deal with economic crisis kek

What happened in 2014?

of course they are, they're corrupt socialist shitholes ruled by drug cartels

Just Venezuela and Brazil.


it's latin america in entirety, mexico has had positive growth but not that high

Thanks Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina

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due to covid we just lost all the progress since 2014 lol

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Mostly Venezuela sinking like a stone

its 5% of the population. brazil has been doing absolute trash also.

Hmm, I guess you didn't understand. Venezuela's gdp "growth" was -3.9% in 2014, -6.2% in 2015, -17% in 2016... This country alone drags the number down

no, brazil drags it down more because its so much larger

but our gdp has been growing in the past 3 years, we got out of recession in 2017, so it's either due to devaluation or Venezuela as I said

it grew by like 0.3% per capita
argentina helped dragging down latin america also

I guess it must be devaluation of the real then
I'm not an economics expert or anything, so sorry if I say something stupid, but since these statistics are made using the dollar as base, even if our gdp grows, if our currency devaluates it will appear as a "decline"

Good Fuck the brown latinx hordes tho.

need to go back to 2013 and play uncharted online with frens

Uncharted fucking blows though

why does it fucking matter

that's a meme

Drug cartels are quite obviously capitalist companies.
Nothing to do with socialism

Latin America was primed to be the 3rd region to become first world after Europe and NA but lost to East Asia, and now they won't even be the 4th with ASEAN dabbing on them. Fucking incompetent spic subhumans.

Plan Cóndor.

Oil collapse. Venezeula obviously, but Mexico and Brazil were also fueling their growth with oil exports.

>i-it's USA FAULT!!11!
fucking retarded spic, vietnam and korea got raped 100x harder by actual warfare and one has surpassed you while the other is soon to

It’s funny how you guys get mad at this but the proceed to blame black people for everything bad in your country

Not true.



They also blame "le spics"

start of the 2016 brazilian coup

Thank GOD colombia sustains its growing with drug exporting.
Thank you America, our number 1 ally and patron.

>-it's USA FAULT!!

more or less

btw thanks obama for Operation fast and furious

petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol