Other urls found in this thread:
actual genuine truthfully unironic cringe
i want a polish gf
xth for fuck china and kill all chinks.
Red dawn
What are france and germany fighting over?
actually a nice flag havent noticed that before
The french guy got lost navigating to reddit. Now he wants us to downvote the german
France is mad that I get mad pussy and toes as a NEET and he is a wageslave loser Maghrebian incel
Some bad posts right here
fuck him boys
It is only natural for a man to desire to know the taste which lies between the toes of a beautiful young lady
Chinese Century
hail the asian caesar
hail victory
ome to the server
discord .gg/rCtUvqZ
What do you like about it?
All that's left to do is eliminate my loyal gf... feeling kind of sad. Who would've thought a strategy game could build such a compelling story. She has stuck by my side since I met her even despite me destroying every other civilization and nuking mecca.
Such are the ways of love and war
Cleopatra was a BLACK woman.
I remember that one too. I don't know if it's possible to do a bad cover of Blue Monday.
I think your wojak playlist just looped around again
I understand why there's a dixie general.
Fucking cletus can have better quality posts than this mental illness chatroom filled with chinese dogs and resident autist here 24/24
Legit kys all of your families
Time to put on another dead meme album
Maybe boomer sips haven't seen that one in a while
Kys all your family
It has began /cum/
I have started the process to become a Chinese male
I expect to be fully chinese by 2029
Easy there Hassan. Violence is not the answer.
Does anyone know any boomers who actually sip energy drinks? Every time I mention Red Bull the boomers I know freak out and think it's poison that'll give me a heart attack, despite it having slightly less caffeine than the average coffee
The old man is super excited about the blackbirds on our balcony.
They all left the nest today but two of them were retards and fell inside the balcony and not outside so I had to catch them and YEET them over the balcony to reunite them with their 'rents.
Now the pawpaw is outside on the balcony all the time searching for them in the bushes with binoculars.
You in the black sweater
Me in the blue shirt
just shot a chink ama
How and where?
ppl who take selfies are subhumans
these girls are really cute, but I'm not into feet.
larping as a sexhaver is more pathetic than larping that you were in taiwan by using a proxy
Cleopatra was Greek, so still non-white.
umm never forget that I am the #1 sexinator sexposter and sex HAVER here
Not to say energy drinks are healthy but beetus is the bigger concern. I just drink them when I need a caffeine hit I can chug in a couple seconds instead of taking my time with a hot drink. Not to say you can't chug coffee either, it's just unpleasant. I once chugged a large coffee after running to get to an exam on time, because I wasn't allowed to bring it in. A few minutes later while writing I got very overheated and started sweating like crazy. Extremely distracting
Nah das me nihha (although i'm a ronacel now)
if thats true then i live in NYC, am not poor, and don't live with me mum
just take caffeine pills then
could easily have sex with anybody here
How do I become a negro?
My family always gives me shit about drinking energy drinks. They all read one pop medicine article about the dangers of energy drinks and think they're really smart when they're being a smug retard talking about how they're going to kill you.
I can back up every claim with CONCRETE evidence
NOT with ME
Does anyone have that webm of a dude sawing through a Chinese building's supports on a scaffold?
/cum/ is shit when jason is not on
coffee is not soda, wtf do you expect?
I am the only /cum/ poster going to Heaven as I have taken a vow of chastity.
If you keep posting it, it isn't that funny.
brown boi
Do you wear a cage too in case you run into temptation?
Prove it
>If you keep posting it, it isn't that funny.
No, I just jack off.
Might order some burgers lads
Where from? I'm craving Smashburger.
>two shiteburgers
bro I can make you a week's worth of burgers for that
no im pure
Masturbation is a sin basically on par with fornication. Sorry, sweetie. Get married
all I have is a stove top, I literally cannot make a burger at the same quality that they can
Five Guy's
Do Americans really do this?
Dude don't