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International #1235
Foreigner approaches me speaking in french
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
This is the current state of Brazil, I advise your country to do something before it's too late
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
One shot at life
Would you let your daughter date an amerimutt?
Lebanon, the last bastion of Christianity in the middle east is on the verge of collapse
Has a girl ever liked you in your country but you were too stupid or scared to pick up on it?
Flatmate's firestick is fucking up the internet again
Me as a kid
I suffer in Colombia
/lat/ - hilo latino
ITT leaders from your cunt that got assassinated
Why are they so butthurt about their language?
Why is French always considered the most sophisticated and high class language...
/brit /
Why polish boys are so cute
/esp/ - El hilo español hostia puta
Match on Tinder
If you could say one thing to your 6 year old self, what would it be?
Sverigetråden - Räddningsupplagan
For me? It's Knoppers
How does your cunt see other European countries?
Why aren't you a libertarian?
ITT we summon a femanon
Why are there femoids on Zig Forums?
Are you human, Zig Forums?
Hey, India...
What's troubling you bros?
Hes racist towards africans because he only knows american ""blacks""
/fr/ - Le fil bien français de chez nous
My hometown :)
There's a meme going around Instagram where Latinas use the blue eyes filter and caption "God knew better than giving...
You there!
Places you've been and your experiences there
Why are Indians in the UK nice but pakistanis are evil ?
Rivalry countries
Less is more
What's it like to have sex with a Japanese teenage schoolgirl?
How to say "My dick is getting hard." in your language?
In my country we call nerds "nerdos"
/desi/- Classic OP image edition
Being racemixed sucks
Why don't people from Argentina go back to Italy?
What's the better diversity model? Which one is your country following?
Why is this board so gay
Hilo /esp/añol
Sverigetråden - fvupplagan
/ita/ il filo
Brazil and Russia sister countries?
1. Your country
I don't understand Hungarian comics
Ur cunt
Do actual Arabs consider them Arab in real life as they usually try to pass themselves off in this board?
How do I get a Japanese high school gf as a 30-year-old white guy who speaks no Japanese?
Why does a place so small have so many fucking different accents?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Your cunt?
Which flags are usually antagonistic towards your country on Zig Forums? Are you surprised by any of them...
This is a new French car made by Citroën
Wannabe westeners
Would this man be considered good looking in your cunt?
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
I suffer in america
Nice Germany
Why are Anglos such manlets compared to other Germanics? Is it their Celtic admixture?
Do you take any meds?
He's white
/fr/ le francofil
I'm from Northern Portugal which is a lot better than the rest of Portugal (Centro is ok). Just wanted to share. Thanks
I remember when I used to work in a shitty factory...
Where are you from Zig Forums?
Post words that defeat native speakers
Are browns retarded
Post the % of people killed by coronameme in your country
Russian arthoes
You can post ITT if you're post-commie country
You can get a traditional wife from Brazil RIGHT NOW
Noooo you can't put fireworks in my asshole and then set me on fire with lighter fluid I'm only 17 years old!!!!
Is it true that cashiers in the USA do not have chairs?
Well, Zig Forumsoids?
This makes a lot of sense
German government proposing to ban prostitution
/lat/ hilo latANO
There are actual biological boys reading this right now
Fuck these Alberta faggots, fuck Alberta
Muslims be like
/dixie/ Southern US & amigos
Sverigetråden - Heteroupplagan
ITT post memes in your language
/esp/ - hilo Español
/fr/ Le Francofil
This is how real Serbs look like
/ita/ il filo
Why are the Europeans on here randomly so rude to us?
Do Italians really believe the world is haunted by demons?
/PHT/ - Portugal Hate Thread
Why taiwan people use の instead of 的 ?
Your cunt tree
Both these countries are considered staple in fine dining culture. But which one is the better?
How did you learn English?
S*ltan:Can you Jihad?
Why Japanese building look like this
Tthis confuses and enrages the american
Sverigetråden - Libbeupplagan
Do you wan to find love in Britain?
There are 63,4 million japanese girls alive RIGHT NOW
In todays episode of the park spy. kid falls flat on his face while chasing a drone
You know nothing about sufferings
Slavic girls
My country
/ita/ il filo
Good job, Poland!
Why does the USA use chemical weapons against civilian farmers in order to destroy their only source of food and make...
I saw a muslim in my city today
Unemployement welfare is 550€
/fr/ - Le francofil
Dubs and I kill myself
What is your #1 goal in life
What do you think about the polish language?
What's the deal with this cube?
Sverigetråden - gimpupplagan
There are people that can see blonde blue eyed qt white women every fucking day randomly everywhere
Despite being 13 percent of the population it commits 100 percent of american culture
Germany should PAY for OUR debts, we can't just look after ourselves, it DOESN'T WORK like that!!!
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Is it mandatory for you to wear a mask before you go out in your country?
I SUFFER in Greece
We all know that white girls don’t like asian guys
Who is your favourite British person?
How will Japan stay relevant in the 21st century with a population "pyramid" like this?
Move to the US from Germany
No America, STOP! DO NOT shoot the little girl! NO!
Where would you rather live?
Who knew the chinks were this baste?
/med/ - olive oil general
/ישר/ - /ⲡⲓⲥⲣ/ - /इज़रा/ - /isr/ - הודים מבוססים
Kurva anyátok
How are you preparing for the Chinese century?
Did your country buy into solar polar?
The best of friends
How do your parents or grandparents differ from your opinion on races or other countries?
Russian avant-garde thread #1
Do you support Taiwanese independence?
/cum/ + /ausnz/
/esp/ - Hilo español
Princess Elisabeth (18) of Belgium will go to military school in september. Say something nice about her
Rip in pasta little buddy
/v4/ + friends
Now that super typhoons are hitting the tutorial countries are hitting the tutorial countries like Japan...
Why does Taiwan make China seethe?
When do you love Japan?
How can Asian men in the West possibly feel like they have less masculinity than anyone else lol?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ the colors edition
@all russians:
I'm a hamburger
America, fuck yeah
OH NONONONONONONO how can asian bois ever recover?
Why can anyone on this board not have a gf when you can easily impress women with your international knowledge of the...
If your country went to war, would you support and enlist?
Are Indian anons awake?
just be confident bro
/ita/ il filo
Reddit unironically thinks its a good thing murders and child rapists get to play xbox and live like nursing home...
/lat/ hilo latino
Who's the most popular Canadian?
Ur cunt
Damn Asian girls be like that
Zig Forums hasnt made any new memes in ages
Great climate
Why are Australians so fucking hilarious? This stuff cracks me up
Hey China this is your future with "them" you should've picked us but you didn't and you'll fail because of it. Lol
Damn, is this true
Italians vs spaniards
Would europoors rather have CHIs or whatever prominent immigrant group they already have in their cunt?
1. Your country
/anglaland/ aka /brit/
What follows is an account from a French ISAF soldier that was stationed with American Warfighters in Afghanistan...
The Chinese FEARS the BLACK BVLL
Is there a social taboo attached to liking asian women in your country?
Are Cuban Americans really like this?
Why are Mormons so much nicer than other Christians?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Being an incel with a small penis in Ispain is the fucking worst thing that can ever happen to you
Do you love the Middle Kingdom?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Weeb girls are so qt!
This kills the Latino
Post your favorite sad songs
This is a typical American high school. What are high schools in your country like?
Sverigetråden - Storstadsregionsupplagan
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
Is there a bigger status symbol in the 21st century than dating an internet celebrity?
Join a conference call for a seminar for work
Greek culture
The current biggest author in the world is the IRL coomer meme with a quintessential asian wife
Latino bros
My life is a complete failure
Is The Weeknd popular in your cunt?
/esp/ - Hilo Español
This confuses and enrages the american
Why does those ethnic enclaves don't get destroyed to build luxury hotels...
Your cunt
Do you like monarchist girls?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Which country's gonna be the next one which will join the enlightened dark blue club???
Portuguese school uniforms
Black women
/cum/ + /centralamerica/
How would people in you're country react if you had a tall blonde aspie german gfs?
Why is Chile the only country in LATAM that is close to being first world?
Hilo fumador
So why are you seeking validations from Whites
It's not easy being a woman
Does Japan love hafu's?
Is this common in your country?
Why does it feel like the US has more Blondes than Canada?
The Germans FORCED the Euro on us!!!
Muttmart employees in America forced to wear SUPERHERO CAPES
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Sverigetråden - STOP
You wake up
Ok, are we first world already or what?
Tfw 26 year old with no skills
/fr/ - le francofil
What does Zig Forums think of Gran Colombia?
Tfw mogging everyone in the Eurozone
What even happens up here
My hometown :)
/ita/ - il filo
This is an anglo canadian
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Anyone else a Ukraineboo?
You wake up in The Pacific Northwest
What happens here?
My stupid country will soon turn off all its nuclear power plants because of one (1) earthquake near Japan in 2011
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Have you ever considered becoming an american citizen by marrying a qt burger?
You are now aware that Americans have multiple aisles fulls of potato chips in their supermarkets
What kind of people use Tinder in your country?
Sverigetråden - BaVaDiSj upplagan
Yellow = based
Americans be like : hello? Police department? I'd like to report that someone has stolen my foreskin
Bla bla bla have sex incel freak
Post your cuntry natural borders
Does any Turk remember a sad rock (?) song that started with a line like
Does anyone like us at all? Everyone in this board seems to detest Brazil
German automotive industry
/turk/ - (formerly known as /tr/)
How the fuck do I leave this shithole?!
Muslims be like
/med/ - olive oil general
What is the best civilization
I want sex sex sex
Do Uruguayans feel culturally closer to Argentina or to South Brazil?
Do you have one of these last names?
Hilillo /esp/añol
Why is northern mexico so empty?
Belarus Thread
/fr/ - Le fil français
Americans be like "son you are 15 years old now so it's time to marry your cousin"
Are western turks just muslim greeks?
Your country
Are Turks white?
My mother is absolute normie. make a post and I'll my mother what your flag is. if she doesn't...
Do americans really dye their ponds ????
What are Romanians in Spain like?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2390
/haiti/ - Haiti General
Sverigetråden - Betner upplagan
Estados Unidos de America
/Ita/ il filo
Does your country celebrate like this?
Why don’t Spanish speaking Latin Americans find Brazil to be completely culturally distinct despite the fact Brazil...
What's the difference between north and south slavs?
Argentina is superior to Brazil in everything
What can Brits tell me about the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms?
Tfw your culture is so irrelevant there are no stereotypes about it
Fell the the Zig Forums “have white children! embrace your race!” meme
Sverigetråden - Kaoslivsupplagan
Mimmi's mum (Fennoswede)
What do you call the planets and the Sun in your language?
Your thoughts?
What is my race ?
Do you think Germany and France were thinking about someone in particular when writing this bit of their joint...
If you were to replace english as the lingua franca, what would it be?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Why do americans live like this?
You literally cant get a text message from them without "xD", ":D", ";)", "^^", "x)"
/tr/ + /az/ + /kz/ + /kg/
So, what happened to them, Zig Forums?
What the fuck is wrong with modern women?
North dalmatian phenotype
How much Arab/Nafri admixture do they have?
¿Why do americans behave this way?
/fr/ - Le fil français
The virus isn't real, you literally know nobody first hand that got infected with it
Why don't they join the EU?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Coronavirus deaths in China: 4 634
/balt/+/ausnz/ + allies
Post phenotypes you're attracted to, along with their likely country of origin
Which team will win in WW3?
It’s true
Post normie parties from you country
Why do people hate Latinos (especially Mexicans)? I met some of them in 2012, they are honest...
Fucks the whole class and the teacher
/lat/ hilo latino
Koreans going mad over Emojis tweeted by CN and demand apology #CN_MODIFY_The_Emoji
This is Swedish Prison. What's prison like in your country
Spanish seems so fucking easy to learn. I'm considering just learning it for the lulz...
SverigeTråden - Hurvågarduupplagan!
Sverigetråden - Välkomnande upplagan
Yeah, bro, like, sweden is so totally cūcked, dude. like, dude...
/ita/ - il filo
Fr*nch people destroyed this
Do Irish girls really?
Ask a european how they're doing
/esp/ - General de ESPAÑA
Explain, spañards
/ro/ Firul nostru
Which is the worst tourist?
German friends invite me to dinner
Kurva anyátok
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Frens :D
This is what they force you to eat in hell
Girl dies taking selfie
Today is 5th anniversary of Witcher 3
25 years old and I never saw a pusy I suffer in Flanders
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Only blue countries (white people) may post here
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Why are Balkan posters so obsessed with black women?
How come Indian men are considered so creepy, cringe and rapey?
I enlarged my penis from 16 cm to 20 cm
/fr/ - le francofil
Italy is saved
Hello, I came here from the third world and excuse me why did noone tell me that microwave food is a thing...
Why do white people look down on other races so much?
Post mafia bosses from you're country
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
1. Your country
Was cheating common in your school?
In american supermarkets the price you see on the shelf isn't the price you pay, you have to add the tax by yourself
What's the most American image you have on your computer?
Russia is so big, did you know we have Baikal seals?
[spoiler]test do not responded[/spoiler]
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do slavs hate life so much?
Jew redpill thread
Everyone besides you, the person reading this, is me with a proxy. you have no way of disproving this
Why do they have such a non-presence on Zig Forums despite their histotical and cultural importance?
Why do am*ricans build such soulless ugly McMansions?
How does a 188 cm mulatto bvll that looks middle eastern find love in Japan?
France or Germany?
I constantly see people shit on California online. Is it really that horrible or is it cope? Please, enlightened me
Today is my birthday frens
China Is Over
I have a complaint against every single meanie gaijins
/österreich/ manchmal auch fälschlicherweise /deutsch/
Tourist nations
/isr/ thread /ישר/
Do you find Jewish girls attractive?
You wake up in Molenbeek - Brussels
And that, my folks, is how they finally overthrew the US and became the #1 superpower
The average turkish girl
Be Japanese
If you could only eat one countries/cultures cuisine for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Dios mio
The absolute state of Zig Forums
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Realistically, what are the chances of your country having a civil war in the near future? If so...
Why does history never mention French explorers?
Why are their women better looking than the men...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine