Would europoors rather have CHIs or whatever prominent immigrant group they already have in their cunt?

Would europoors rather have CHIs or whatever prominent immigrant group they already have in their cunt?

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i'd rather have 1,000,000 ms-13 members than pakis

Latin Americans are even worse immigrants than Muslims or blacks. Certain parts of California and Texas overwhelmed by Mexicans are technically third world areas already.


This, all Arabs together murder each other far less than just Mexico. Please tell your fellow Euros to not fall for the christian values meme

What? Texas and California are richer and more developed than Spain

lmfao alright by all means, lets trade.

kys olmec


Would you really take 1 million Moroccans over 1 million Mexicans?
Hispanics only kill people in Latin America. They are very inoffensive in the US

>the CIA aids drug cartels, gangs and warlords during the war on communism in central america, ruining the region along with mexico in the process
>the violence and crime leaks into america

America's chicken's are coming home to roost.


Based britbong

how about muslim or afro latinos?

I like CHIs. Besides the ones that get involved with crime, they are usual hardworking people that care a lot about their families.

the second and third gen ones can be obnoxious but they're tolerable. the real fuckers are the central americans who just want to behead shit

Im first gen neet on welfare

Inshalá, sadiq.

Shut up eurofaggot

Shut the fuck up, retard


Why are olmecs so desperate for eurocuck approval?

No you don't

uk flag is a mentally ill hapa who spams blacked btw

ignore the hapa under uk flag, if you see an abhorrent post its him

All the euros saying yes are naive. If they think pakis, nafris and skinny Muslim refugees with butter knifes are anything close to Latin American gangs in USA and mexico

I admit, I used to be a viva la Raza, sombrero-wearing, ay ay ay-speaking CHI, until I visited Mexico and realized I had nothing common with them except ancestry.


You are not tough salvadorean olmec diaspora, the chichimeca aridoamericam cartels kill your subhumn kind for fun all the time

Based, you are NOT mexican nor ever will be, just be american

I admit I had a difficult time relating to actual Mexicans when I was in Mexico even though I'm an ethnic Indio that speaks fluent Spanish. They have this weird extraversion and aversion to anything "educated" that I don't really understand.

dumb nerd

what are you even going on about you scitzo

you're one of the worst posters on this board

He is a salvadorean olmec arab mutt who thinks he is tough but he would not last a day in mexico

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frick off olmec lover!